细胞粘附、信号和癌症 - Mary BeckERle P1


Mary BeckERle (UnivERsity of Utah) Part 1: Adhesion, Signaling and CancER

Cell-substratum adhesion is mediated by integrins, a family of transmembrane, hetERodimERic, extracellular matrix receptors that are concentrated at focal adhesions. Integin engagement influences a variety of signaling pathways and regulates cell behaviors including motility, prolifERation, and survival. Disturbance of normal integrin function is associated with a variety of pathologic conditions including cancER. In the first segment of my seminar, I provide a broad ovERview of the cancER problem for a lay audience. Advances in our undERstanding of cancER as a genetic disease are discussed. The influence of cell adhesion on control of cell growth is reviewed. See more at http://www.ibiology.org

2015-12-14 课时:37分钟

粘着蛋白的发现和表征 - Mary BeckERle P2


Mary BeckERle (UnivERsity of Utah) Part 2: DiscovERy and CharactERization

In the second segment, I describe the identification of the focal adhesion protein, zyxin, by my lab. Recent work revealed that zyxin is down-regulated upon expression of the Ewing sarcoma oncoprotein, EWS-FLI. Loss of zyxin expression results in enhanced cell motility and is also associated with failed apoptotic signaling. Evidence that zyxin shuttles between focal adhesions and the nucleus is presented. The impact of reduced zyxin expression on tumor progression is discussed. See more at http://www.ibiology.org

2015-12-14 课时:51分钟

焦点粘连作为压力传感器 - Mary BeckERle P3


Mary BeckERle (UnivERsity of Utah) Part 3: Focal Adhesions as Stress Sensors

In the third segment of my seminar, I address a new frontiER in cell biology, that is how cells respond to mechanical information. Cells and tissues are exposed to physical forces in vivo and excessive mechanical stress leads to a variety of pathological consequences. I describe a system for exposing cells to controlled mechanical stress and discuss the stretch response. We have discovERed that the focal adhesion protein, zyxin, is exquisitely sensitive to mechanical stimulation and is required for the ability of cells to reinforce the actin cytoskeleton when challenged by exposure to cyclic stretch. See more at http://www.ibiology.org

2015-12-14 课时:31分钟

化学糖生物学 - Carolyn BERtozzi P1


Carolyn BERtozzi (UC BERkeley) Part 1: Chemical Glycobiology

Part 1 A large part of an organism's complexity is not encoded by its genome but results from post-translational modification. Glycosylation, or the addition of sugar molecules to a protein is an example of such a modification. These sugars, or glycans, are often complex, branched molecules specific to particular cells. Cell surface glycans detERmine human blood types, allow viral infections and play a key role in tissue inflammation. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2015-12-14 课时:48分钟

生物糖组成像方法 - Carolyn BERtozzi P2


Carolyn BERtozzi (UC BERkeley) Part 2: Imaging the Glycome

Since glycans cannot be labeled with genetically-encoded reportERs such as GFP, bioorthoganal reactions have been developed to allow their labeling and imaging. In this lecture, BERtozzi describes the chemistry and imaging methodology used to view glycoproteins in cells and whole organisms. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2015-12-14 课时:58分钟

头足纲动物的伪装和信号 - RogER Hanlon P1


RogER Hanlon (MBL) Part 1: Camouflage and Signaling in Cephalopods

Hanlon introduces the amazing adaptive coloration of cephalopods. He uses video and still photography to showcase their ability to rapidly change color, pattERn and skin texture with fine control and a divERsity of appearances, to produce camouflage or to send signals. He argues that all camouflage pattERns in nature can be grouped into three types. In part 2, Hanlon shows us results from his lab that make a convincing case that the rapid adaptive coloration of cephalopods is controlled by their visual system; quite impressive for a color-blind animal! Part 3 focuses on the unique skin of cephalopods including the system of pigments and reflectors that allows it to quickly change to any hue and contrast, and the papillae musculature that allows the skin to deform and create multiple 3D textures.

2015-12-14 课时:29分钟

对头足纲动物视觉感知机制的探索 - RogER Hanlon P2


RogER Hanlon (MBL) Part 2: Exploring Mechanisms of Visual PERception

Hanlon introduces the amazing adaptive coloration of cephalopods. He uses video and still photography to showcase their ability to rapidly change color, pattERn and skin texture with fine control and a divERsity of appearances, to produce camouflage or to send signals. He argues that all camouflage pattERns in nature can be grouped into three types. In part 2, Hanlon shows us results from his lab that make a convincing case that the rapid adaptive coloration of cephalopods is controlled by their visual system; quite impressive for a color-blind animal! Part 3 focuses on the unique skin of cephalopods including the system of pigments and reflectors that allows it to quickly change to any hue and contrast, and the papillae musculature that allows the skin to deform and create multiple 3D textures.

2015-12-14 课时:52分钟

头足纲动物的可变化的皮肤细胞 - RogER Hanlon P3


RogER Hanlon (MBL) Part 3: Changeable Skin

Hanlon introduces the amazing adaptive coloration of cephalopods. He uses video and still photography to showcase their ability to rapidly change color, pattERn and skin texture with fine control and a divERsity of appearances, to produce camouflage or to send signals. He argues that all camouflage pattERns in nature can be grouped into three types. In part 2, Hanlon shows us results from his lab that make a convincing case that the rapid adaptive coloration of cephalopods is controlled by their visual system; quite impressive for a color-blind animal! Part 3 focuses on the unique skin of cephalopods including the system of pigments and reflectors that allows it to quickly change to any hue and contrast, and the papillae musculature that allows the skin to deform and create multiple 3D textures.

2015-12-14 课时:32分钟

控制声乐学习行为的大脑通路 - ERich Jarvis P1


ERich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 1: ConvERgent behavior and brain pathways

In Part 1, Jarvis explains that vocal learning is the ability to hear a sound and repeat it. Only 5 groups of mammals (including humans) and 3 groups of birds (parrots, hummingbirds and songbirds) are capable of vocal learning. Jarvis and his lab membERs imaged changes in gene expression in bird's brains aftER singing. They found that hummingbirds, songbirds and parrots each have pathways in specific areas of the brain that are not found in non-vocal learning birds. IntERestingly, analogous networks exist in the human brain but not in non-vocal learning monkeys.

In Part 2, Jarvis proposes a mechanism by which vocal learning may have evolved. He suggests that the brain areas that control vocal learning are the result of a duplication of a pre-existing neural circuit that controls motor movement. A similar duplication event may have occurred during the evolution of humans with the result that both humans and Snowball, a cockatoo, can sing and dance to a beat!

In Jarvis' third talk, he demonstrates that the brain pathways necessary for vocal learning are associated with the expression of particular axonal guidance genes. He also proposes that the evolutionary events responsible for the development of vocal learning may be a genERal mechanism for the development of othER complex behavioral traits.

2015-12-14 课时:27分钟

声乐学习起源的肌动模型 - ERich Jarvis P2


ERich Jarvis (Duke/HHMI) Part 2: Motor theory of vocal learning origin

In Part 1, Jarvis explains that vocal learning is the ability to hear a sound and repeat it. Only 5 groups of mammals (including humans) and 3 groups of birds (parrots, hummingbirds and songbirds) are capable of vocal learning. Jarvis and his lab membERs imaged changes in gene expression in bird's brains aftER singing. They found that hummingbirds, songbirds and parrots each have pathways in specific areas of the brain that are not found in non-vocal learning birds. IntERestingly, analogous networks exist in the human brain but not in non-vocal learning monkeys.

In Part 2, Jarvis proposes a mechanism by which vocal learning may have evolved. He suggests that the brain areas that control vocal learning are the result of a duplication of a pre-existing neural circuit that controls motor movement. A similar duplication event may have occurred during the evolution of humans with the result that both humans and Snowball, a cockatoo, can sing and dance to a beat!

In Jarvis' third talk, he demonstrates that the brain pathways necessary for vocal learning are associated with the expression of particular axonal guidance genes. He also proposes that the evolutionary events responsible for the development of vocal learning may be a genERal mechanism for the development of othER complex behavioral traits.

2015-12-14 课时:12分钟