WestERn Blot 第5阶段:检测
Novus Biologicals Visual Protocols: In phase 5 of the westERn blot procedure, you will learn how to visualize your protein of intERest that was probed with specific antibodies in the previous step. HERe we utilize the electrochemiluminescent (ECL) to produce light whERe our antibodies are bound. This light is collected by film or a camERa for latER analysis. Additional help can be found in the support section of http://www.novusbio.com, through our live chat sERvice, or by calling us directly to talk with our elite customER and technical sERvice scientists.
PERkinElmER Company OvERview
At PERkinElmER we're taking action to improve the health and safety of people and the environment. We're committed to transforming risk into safety, mystERy into knowledge and ideas into action for healthiER today and even bettER tomorrow. We are committed to delivERing solutions that improve our customERs' outcomes, advance human and environmental health technologies and, delivER shareholdER value. EvERy day, we work togethER to ensure the way we do business is as meaningful as the solutions we provide.
Introducing the EnSight™ Multimode Plate ReadER from PERkinElmER
PERkinElmER's EnSight Multimode Plate ReadER is the first benchtop system to offER well-imaging alongside label-free and labeled detection technologies - for a whole new pERspective on your research. For more information, please visit the EnSight website - http://bit.ly/T4IDPh
Pre-Clinical In Vivo Imaging Solutions from PERkinElmER
PERkinElmER offERs a comprehensive portfolio of pre-clinical in vivo imaging systems and reagents. Find out more at http://bit.ly/1mnyvwF. Our pre-clinical imaging instruments include our highly published (ovER 4000 citations) IVIS Optical imaging systems, Quantum FX microCT which delivERs high quality images at an x-ray dose low enough for longitudinal studies, and x-ray systems. We also offER a large portfolio of in vivo imaging reagents for most areas of research including cancER, infectious disease, stem cell, inflammation, toxicology/drug safety and more.
Introducing the OpERa Phenix™ High Content Screening System
Introducing OpERa Phenix™, a next-genERation, confocal, high content screening system designed for high-throughput, phenotypic screening and assays using complex disease models, such as primary cells and microtissues. Find out more at http://bit.ly/1eZM4Ok.
TogethER we can help Revolutionizing Medicine
TogethER we can help Revolutionizing Medicine
People coming togethER makeing a diffERence
People coming togethER makeing a diffERence
HER2基因与肿瘤 - 陈巍学基因(40)
Evolution of intERaction networks 相互作用网络的演化
为什么一些殖民地饲料少:蚂蚁作为神经元?蚂蚁是如何反应的互动率? 蚂蚁对相互作用的遗传变异?跟随专注研究蚂蚁殖民地发展行为的戈登,了解蚁群的两大问题:1、节约用水,2、同种的邻居竞争。