

2015-02-26 课时:2分钟


我们在解剖学上还有很多东西待发掘。我们对基因组学,蛋白质组学和细胞生物学了解很多,但正如Diane Kelly在TED医学大会上所阐明的,有许多关于人体的基本事实,我们还需要学习发现。比如说,哺乳动物的勃起是如何运作的?

2015-04-28 课时:12分钟

病毒结构的一般原则 - Stephen Harrison P1


Stephen Harrison (Harvard) Part 1: Virus structures: General principles

Harrison begins his talk by asking why most non-enveloped viruses and some enveloped viruses are symmetrical in shape. He proceeds to show us lovely images of the structures obtained by x-ray crystallography of numerous viral coat proteins. Deciphering these structures allowed scientists to understand that viral coat proteins form multimers, such as dimers and pentamers, which in turn interact with a scaffold that ensures that the coat proteins are correctly placed. This arrangement results in symmetrically shaped viruses.

In Part 1, Harrison also explains that enveloped viruses infect cells by inducing the fusion of the viral and host cell membranes. He delves deeper into the molecular mechanism of membrane fusion driven by the hemagglutinin or HA protein of the influenza virus in Part 2 of his talk.

Non-enveloped viruses, on the other hand, must enter cells by a mechanism other than membrane fusion. This is the focus of Part 3. Using rotavirus as a model, Harrison and his colleagues have used a combination of Xray crystallography and electron cryomicroscopy to decipher how the spike protein on the viral surface changes its conformation and perforates the cell membrane allowing the virus to enter the cell.

2015-12-14 课时:50分钟

剪接体的结构和动力学 - Melissa Moore Part 2


本节课Melissa Moore讲述了,剪接体的成分和在每个工作周期中的剪接体。穆尔还解释了如何利用荧光蛋白标签和全反射显微镜的创新,使她和她的同事们能够更好地理解复接机器的有序组装与功能。

Melissa Moore (U. Mass/HHMI) Part 2: Spliceosome Structure and Dynamics

Moore goes on to describe the cellular splicing machine, the spliceosome, in greater detail in Part 2. She lists the components of the spliceosome and where each works in the spliceosome cycle. Moore also explains how the innovative use of fluorescent protein tags and total internal reflection microscopy has allowed her and her colleagues to better understand the ordered assembly and function of the complex splicing machine.

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2016-01-05 课时:40分钟

蛋白激酶的结构 - Susan Taylor

In this lecture, I have given an overview of protein kinase structure and function using cyclic AMP dependent kinase (PKA) as a prototype for this enzyme superfamily. I have demonstrated what we have learned from the overall structural kinome which allows us to compare many protein kinases and also to appreciate how the highly regulated eukaryotic protein kinase has evolved. By comparing many protein kinase structures, we are beginning to elucidate general rules of architecture. In addition, I have attempted to illustrate how PKA is regulated by cAMP and how it is localized to specific macromolecular complexes through scaffold proteins.

2016-04-15 课时:29分钟



2016-06-22 课时:65分钟



2017-07-07 课时:39分钟



2017-09-18 课时:30分钟


临床研究类型: 研究类型的重要性 随机对照临床试验的特点 队列研究的特点 病例对照研究的特点 病例系列报告的特点 病例报告的特点

2019-03-29 课时:61分钟


选刊的思路和方法 投稿-修回-接收-Proof-出版流程

2019-03-29 课时:36分钟