

2014-09-18 课时:70分钟


当两个人试着解决一个问题— 无论他们竞争或是合作 — 他们的大脑内部究竟发生着什么? 行为经济学家 Colin Camerer 所带来的研究调查揭示出我们预测别人会如何想的能力究竟多么有限。 并且他提出的一个出人意料的研究结果表明,黑猩猩在这方面比我们做的更优秀。

2015-01-16 课时:7分钟

一探神经元 何以筑文明

神经学家Vilayanur Ramachandran为我们勾勒出镜像神经元的惊人作用。这是一项近期的发现。这些神经元允许我们学会复杂的社会行为,这其中包括着构成人类社会的基础行为。

2015-01-26 课时:4分钟


现代营销中大脑无处不在: 新闻标题声称奶酪三明治帮助决策,而“神经”饮料声称,可以减轻压力。神经科学家Molly Crockett认为,这些提法有一个问题:这些好处“神经增强功效”并没有被科学证明。在本片的直截了当的演讲中,Crockett揭示了对神经科学数据解读的局限性,还有为什么我们要关注它们。

2015-01-28 课时:6分钟


艾德·博伊登展示了他如何用植入性光纤选择性地激活或冻结某一部分神经,那就是将感光性蛋白质基因植入脑细胞。通过这种史无前例的控制技术,他用来治疗患有创伤后应激障碍和某些程度失明的老鼠。相信在不久的将来,就会出现人造神经。会议主持人Juan Enriquez将开展简短的提问与回答。

2015-01-29 课时:7分钟


大脑成像领域的先锋Nancy Kanwisher 经常使用fMIR 扫描技术来研究大脑区域里的活动(通常是她自己的大脑)。她分享了她看到的和他的同事们学到的:大脑是有高度专门化的组分和功能宽泛的机件共同构成的。令人意想不到的是,还有很多尚待研究。

2015-01-30 课时:7分钟


Sigma® Life Science的使命在于帮助研究人员揭示存在于细胞、组织、器官和有机体之间的各种生物联系,旨在通过提供高品质科研产品和创新的研究工具来帮助研究人员更快地了解疾病发生机理,并将实验室理论研究成果快速高效地转化为切实可行的临床治疗策略。

2018-02-14 课时:5分钟



2015-03-10 课时:10分钟




2015-05-14 课时:48分钟


The current cell therapy aims at restoring neural regeneration and replacement of lost neural cells within the appropriate time window in traumatic brain injury patients. Furthermore, neurorepair attempts to restore retinal neuron axonal function in the optic nerve injury in those patients with significant visional impairment.

Mitochondria – bacteria sized cellular organelles residing in most of our cells-- convert fuel from food into the body's most biologically useful form of energy or ATP. Only in the past few years, with advances in cellular and molecular biology, have we appreciated the complexity of genetic mechanisms and cl inical presentations in mitochondrial disorders. For example, large numbers of mitochondria DNA (mtDNA) deletions in brain and muscle, become fatal or in young adulthood with epilepsy, while a maternally inherited point mutation in patients with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, a cause of blindness in young adults. Mutated mtDNAs may also have roles in the progressive symptoms of late-onset neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.

Currently, these diseases are refractory or incurable; however, nuclear genome transfer between patients' and healthy eggs to replace mutant mtDNAs holds promises. Considering that a polar body contains few mitochondria and shares the same genomic material as an oocyte, we perform polar body transfer to prevent the transmission of mtDNA variants.

We compare the effects of different types of germline genome transfer, including spindle-chromosome transfer, pronuclear transfer, and polar body transfer, in mice. Genetic analysis confirms that the F1 generation from polar body transfer possesses m i n i m a l d o n o r m t D N A c a r r y o v e r . M o r e o v e r , t h e m t D N A g e n o t y p e r e m a i n s stable in F2 progeny after polar body transfer. Our investigation demonstrates that promising pre-clinical studies of cell therapy have been translating partially into positive outcomes in clinical trials, and mitochondrial replacement has great potential to prevent inherited mitochondrial diseases.

2015-07-30 课时:50分钟