银屑病的新突破:以IL-17 通路为靶点
This animation created by Nature Reviews Cancer and Nature Reviews Immunology illustrates how tumour cells are sensed and destroyed by cells of the immune system and how tumours can evolve to evade immune-mediated elimination. Scientists are developing new immunotherapies that help the immune system to ‘fight back’ — the animation explains how these exciting new drugs work.
霍乱弧菌群体感应和新型抗生素 - Bonnie Bassler P2
Bonnie Bassler (Princeton) Part 2: Vibrio Cholerae Quorum Sensing and Novel Antibiotics
Bacteria, primitive single-celled organisms, communicate with chemical languages that allow them to synchronize their behavior and thereby act as enormous multi-cellular organisms. This process is called quorum sensing and it enables bacteria to successfully infect and cause disease in plants, animals, and humans. Investigations of the molecular mechanisms underlying quorum sensing are leading to the development of novel strategies to interfere with quorum sensing. These strategies form the basis of new therapies to be used as antibiotics. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org
多细胞生物的新研究 - Richard Losick P2
Richard Losick (Harvard) Part 2: New Research on Multicellularity
Part II presents research on the capacity of B. subtilis cells to form architecturally complex communities.
用CRISPR寻找新肿瘤药 - 陈巍学基因(32)
提出这个方法的,是加拿大Donnelly Centre的Traver Hart。Traver Hart把他的这项研究成果,发表在《Cell》杂志2015年12月3日这一期上。论文的题目是《High-Resolution CRISPR Screens Reveal Fitness Genes and Genotype-Specific Cancer Liabilities》。我们这期节目,就主要围绕这篇文章来进行讲解。
1.用CRISPR方法,把几种肿瘤细胞系的几乎所有的基因都做一遍敲除,也就是“Knock out”。
RNAscope原位杂交技术助理新冠病毒检测及初步结果展示 1. RNAscope技术原理介绍 2. 在Zika,MERs-Cov,HIV等病毒研究中的应用实例 3. RNAscope应对新冠病毒研究的相关产品及结果展示
TransMedics’ proprietary Organ Care System (OCS) is the first commercial and portable warm blood perfusion organ transport system. With the OCS, doctors are able to perform “living organ transplants,” where organs are kept warm and functioning in a controlled environment from the time they are recovered to the moment they are placed in the recipient’s body.
David Roos (U Penn) Part 2: The apicomplexan plastid
Antibiotics are effective because they kill bacteria without harming humans and other eukaryotes (organisms with cells that contain nuclei). So why are the eukaryotic parasites responsible for malaria and toxoplasmosis killed by drugs like clindamycin? Multidisciplinary studies integrating molecular genetics, cell biology, biochemistry, pharmacology and computational genomics reveal that such drugs target an unusual organelle. The "apicoplast" was acquired when an ancestral organism 'ate' a eukaryotic alga, and retained the algal plastid -- a relative of plant chloroplasts derived from a bacterial ancestor. Although no longer photosynthetic, the apicoplast is essential for parasite survival, providing new targets for drug development. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org