

2016-01-20 课时:16分钟



2016-01-20 课时:13分钟


As a PhD student in engineering at Stanford, Jorge Cham submitted a comic strip about graduate student life to the university newspaper. This initial submission grew into PhDComics. After a few years as an adjunct professor at the California Institute of Technology, Cham now pursues his career as a cartoonist full time.

2016-02-23 课时:10分钟


Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 2: Human Color Vision and its Variations

In this set of lectures, Jeremy Nathans explores the molecular mechanisms within the retina that mediate the first steps in vision. The second lecture focuses on the photoreceptors that mediate human color vision and the molecular basis for the common inherited anomalies of color vision. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2016-03-23 课时:45分钟


Jeremy Nathans (Johns Hopkins) Part 3: The Evolution of Trichromatic Color Vision

In this set of lectures, Jeremy Nathans explores the molecular mechanisms within the retina that mediate the first steps in vision. The third lecture describes recent work on the evolution of trichromatic color vision in humans and our primate relatives. See more athttp://www.ibioseminars.orgs

2016-03-23 课时:44分钟


Randy Schekman (Berkeley) Part 3: Human Diseases of Vesicle Budding

Human COPII genes are duplicated and some may have evolved specialized functions. Two rare human diseases affect the activity of one of two copies of Sar1 and the Sec23A subunit of the COPII coat. Anderson's disease results in the failure of enterocytes of the absorptive epithelium to secrete large lipoprotein particles called chylomicrons. Point mutations in one of two copies of Sar1 results in the accumulation of chylomicrons in the ER. CLSD, a rare craniofacial disorder likely due to the selective failure of secretion of certain connective tissue proteins such as collagen, is caused by a conservative amino acid substitution in Sec23A that blocks completion of COPII coat assembly. See more athttp://www.ibioseminars.org

2016-04-06 课时:33分钟



2016-04-27 课时:45分钟



2016-08-11 课时:30分钟

Ronald Germain(NIAID/NIH):美国国立卫生研究院的资助应该支持的,没有项目

Ronald Germain链接许多与美国国立卫生研究院资助的生物医学研究的当前问题,如增加资金竞争,拒绝科学的职业生涯中的有才华的学生,和抑制创造力,到R01资助制度。他提出了一个系统,取代R01资助支持个的系统,没有项目,并持有通过回顾性修订负责。他的建议是由美国国立卫生研究院在成功资助计划的影响NIH校内程序和HHMI。有关这项建议的更多细节,读他的评论“愈合的NIH资助的生物医学研究企业”2015年6月18日在细胞中发表。

2016-09-13 课时:15分钟


类多能干细胞(hPSCs)衍生的成熟神经元和神经胶质细胞,已成为对神经系统的发展和疾病研究的一个生理学相关模型。这些细胞的推导已超过了“概念验证”的阶段,并正在改变研究员构建疾病模型和药物研发的方法。本网络研讨会将探讨学习如何从正常和患病的iPS细胞,生成脑型神经元、多巴胺能神经元和星形胶质细胞。Xianmin Zeng博士将介绍如何在毒理学研究和帕金森氏病的机制行动研究中成功地使用生成的神经元和胶质细胞。

2016-09-29 课时:51分钟