

2014-09-24 课时:25分钟

sRNA Induces the Large-scale Transdetermination of Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Human.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate into cells of bone, endothelium, adipose tissue, cartilage, muscle, and brain. However, whether they can transdeterminate into hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) remains unsolved. We report here that a subpopulation of human MSCs that are CD44+,CD29+, CD105+, CD166+,CD133-,CD34- could differentiate into hematopoietic stem cells (CD150+/CD133+/CD34+) and their descending blood cells in vitro, when transfected with new endogenous shRNAs The sRNA was high-effectively delivered into MSCs by a novel peptide means. These induced MSC-HSCs could form different types of hematopoietic colonies as nature-occurring HSCs did. Upon transplantation into sublethally irradiated NOD/SCID mice, these MSC-HSCs engrafted and differentiated into all hematopoietic lineages such as erythrocytes, lymphocytes, myelocytes and thrombocyte. More importantly, these induced HSCs could successfully engraft and effectively function in patients with severe aplastic anemia. Furthermore, we demonstrated the first evidence that the transdetermination of MSCs was induced by acetylation of histone proteins and activation of many transcriptional factors. Together, our findings identify the sRNAs that dictates a directed differentiation of MSCs toward HSCs and open up a new source for HSCs used for the treatment of blood diseases and artificial stem cell-made blood.

2014-09-26 课时:36分钟



2014-11-04 课时:25分钟

Novel signaling by the IKK complex

Signal transduction plays a pivot role in regulating cell functions, from proliferation, differentiation, programmed cell death, and transformation. Deregulation of signal transduction could lead to various human diseases even cancer. Extracellular signals are transmitted into cells via an intracellular signaling network that is composed of multiple signaling pathways, dictating cellular functions, such as growth, differentiation, programmed death (apoptosis) and transformation.
Although we have learnt a great deal about the architecture of the intracellular signaling network, our understanding of its biology is limited. The work in my laboratory focuses on elucidating molecular mechanisms underlying plasticity and specificity of intracellular signaling network using c- Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) and IkB kinase (IKK)/NF-kappaB as molecular probes and understanding the impact of deregulating the intracellular signaling network on human diseases

2014-11-18 课时:20分钟

Ken Kamler:珠穆朗玛峰上的医学奇迹

当珠穆朗玛登山史上最惨重的灾难发生时,Ken Kamler是在场的唯一医生。在TEDMED,他分享了登山者们在极端条件下所展开的难以置信的搏斗,并且利用大脑成像技术重现了一位登山者被埋在雪中36个小时后却依旧存活下来的医学奇迹。

2015-01-21 课时:21分钟

Discovery: Innovations with Ed Begley Jr

美国著名的《Discovery》频道创新系列节目《Innovations with Ed Begley Jr》全球播出了艾森生物最新研发的新一代实时心肌功能评价系统(xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR)。


2015-02-03 课时:7分钟

Max Little电话也能检测帕金森症

帕金森症影响了全球630万的人,使人们虚弱和僵化,但在早期却没有客观的方法对此进行监测。但是,应用数学家, TED伙伴 Max Little在测试一项简单廉价的方法,这在检测帕金森症的试验中,能达到99%的准确率——仅仅在一个30秒的来电就能搞定。

2015-02-09 课时:6分钟

Ebola: A cultural challenge

自然记者Erika Check Hayden在塞拉利昂看到一场政府对抗埃博拉的战争。

2015-02-28 课时:6分钟

Targets-based therapy for leukemia: opportunity and challenge

优点主要为:能增强患者的免疫力,防止肿瘤的转移和复发,对病人机体的损伤小。 在我国,现在普遍开展的树突状细胞(DC)和细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞(CIK)的生物疗法被广泛应用。

2015-03-03 课时:41分钟

Simultaneous quantification of 47 gene expression in FFPE samples by a novel PCR-free approach

基因表达(gene expression)是指细胞在生命过程中,把储存在DNA顺序中遗传信息经过转录和翻译,转变成具有生物活性的蛋白质分子。生物体内的各种功能蛋白质和酶都是同相应的结构基因编码的。差别基因表达(differential gene expression)指细胞分化过程中,奢侈基因按一定顺序表达,表达的基因数约占基因总数的5%~10%。

2015-03-05 课时:17分钟