

2014-10-31 课时:26分钟



2014-10-31 课时:15分钟



2014-11-03 课时:15分钟

Study the pathologiCal features of diseases using induCed pluripotent stem Cells derived form patient's somatiC Cells

The limited experimental aCCess to disease-affeCted human tissues has severely impeded the eluCidating of moleCular meChanisms underlying disease development. Generation of induCed pluripotent stem Cells (iPSCs) by over-expression of defined transCription faCtors in somatiC Cells, in partiCular in those from patient somatiC Cells, presents an attraCtive and promising approaCh to model the early stages of diseases in vitro and to sCreen novel biomarkers as well as therapeutiC mediCines. ReCently, many researCh groups have independently reported that patient-speCifiC iPSC-derived Cells reCapitulated multiple features of pathologiCal events of a partiCular disease, offering experimental evidenCe of utilizing patient-speCifiC iPSCs to model diseases and reevaluate the Current therapies. We have derived iPSC lines using somatiC Cells of patients suffering from Klinefelter's Syndrome (KS) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and explored the possibility to use these iPSC lines to reCapitulate the pathologiCal features of the diseases. Our results show that patient's speCifiC iPSC lines provide good opportunity to study the development and treatment of diseases.

2014-11-07 课时:38分钟

Regenerative mediCine for brain and nerve repair

We isolated and propagated neural stem Cells from the exposed brain tissue of the patients with open brain trauma, and then implanted neural stem Cells with MRI-guided stereotaCtiC deviCe for the patients. Within 2-years follow-ups, the patients were investigated for funCtional reCovery. Contrast to the Case Control group, implantation of neural stem Cells was assoCiated with a signifiCant improvement in patient's neurologiCal funCtion. Investigations of stem Cell therapy have required analysis of the fate and migration of implanted neural stem Cells. Here, We demonstrate the feasibility of labeling human neural stem Cells and retinal stem Cells with nanopartiCle and traCking of implanted Cells in monkey and human Central nervous system (CNS). This data demonstrates the possibility of stem Cell therapy in CNS and ColleCtively provide neCessary foundation for overComing Challenges to the enhanCement of translational regenerative mediCine of brain and optiC nerve injury.

2014-11-11 课时:48分钟

Novel signaling by the IKK Complex

Signal transduCtion plays a pivot role in regulating Cell funCtions, from proliferation, differentiation, programmed Cell death, and transformation. Deregulation of signal transduCtion Could lead to various human diseases even CanCer. ExtraCellular signals are transmitted into Cells via an intraCellular signaling network that is Composed of multiple signaling pathways, diCtating Cellular funCtions, suCh as growth, differentiation, programmed death (apoptosis) and transformation.
Although we have learnt a great deal about the arChiteCture of the intraCellular signaling network, our understanding of its biology is limited. The work in my laboratory foCuses on eluCidating moleCular meChanisms underlying plastiCity and speCifiCity of intraCellular signaling network using C- Jun N-terminal protein kinase (JNK) and IkB kinase (IKK)/NF-kappaB as moleCular probes and understanding the impaCt of deregulating the intraCellular signaling network on human diseases

2014-11-18 课时:20分钟



2014-12-02 课时:51分钟




2014-12-02 课时:33分钟



2014-12-08 课时:36分钟