The Wuxi International Bioforum 2019 and The 9th Cell Death & Disease Symposium - New Drug Discovery
Internationally renowned leading scientists and pioneers will present cutting-edge advances in cancer immunotherapy, targeted therapy with small molecules,and/or monoclonal antibodies, and novel cell therapeutic strategies. . New challenges, topical directions and novel approacheswill be discussed.
2018 International Forum on Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs
In some parts of the world, an orphan disease is a rare disease whose rarity means there is a lack of a market large enough to gain support and resources for discovering treatments for it, except by the government granting economically advantageous conditions to creating and selling such treatments. Orphan drugs are ones so created or sold.
2018 International Symposium on Neonatal Hereditary Diseases and Translational Medicine
Monogenic diseases are frequent causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality, and disease presentations are often undifferentiated at birth. More than 3500 monogenic diseases have been characterized, but clinical testing is available for only some of them and many feature clinical and genetic heterogeneity.
2018 (3rd) International Symposium on Protein Modification and Diseases
Protein Modification refers to the covalent and generally enzymatic modification of proteins following protein biosynthesis, which is of great importance in cell signaling. Modification of proteins can be experimentally detected by a variety of techniques, including mass spectrometry, Eastern blotting, and Western blotting.
RNA 表达水平高度动态,并集成了遗传和表观基因的调控机制, 作为一个极佳的分子表型指示细胞的功能状态。近年来转录组分析在癌症研究的广泛使用已证明,RNA 与蛋白质一样可以作为具有临床诊断,评估以及治疗预后展望价值的生物指标。为了充分利用这些生物标记物的潜力, 迫切需要开发出一种RNA 生物标记物的有效检测方法用以作为RNA 的常规检测方法。原位in situ技术的这种需求尤为强烈, 以便可以绘制形态学上真实的重要信号通路和关联网络
第七届Cell Death & Disease转化医学国际研讨会
在当前生物医学转化研究过程中,细胞凋亡、免疫学、干细胞生物学与肿瘤、心血管等疾病的联系越来越密切,诸如干细胞治疗、肿瘤免疫疗法、肿瘤促凋亡疗法等内容已成为当前疾病治疗领域的热点和难点。但如何有效整合和应用这些研究领域的知识和技术已成为当前生物医学转化研究重要内容。 本次会议主题为转化医学。会议共分四个专题,采用大会报告和专题讨论的形式