“荒漠化是个华丽的词,用来描述正在变成沙漠的土地,”艾伦·萨弗瑞(Allan Savory)用这句话开始了这个强有力的演讲。可怕的是,世界上三分之二的草地正在变成沙漠,加快了气候变化并导致传统放牧社会陷入混乱。萨弗瑞奉献一生的时间来制止它。现在他相信——他的工作也显示了——一个惊人的因素能保护草原并恢复退化成沙漠的土地。
What will a world that is a few degrees hotter look like? As negotiators gather in Paris, tasked with limiting global warming to two degrees, reporter Adam Levy investigates some of the effects that temperature change will have - and looks at what could happen if nations fail to act.
头足纲动物的可变化的皮肤细胞 - Roger Hanlon P3
Roger Hanlon (MBL) Part 3: Changeable Skin
Hanlon introduces the amazing adaptive coloration of cephalopods. He uses video and still photography to showcase their ability to rapidly change color, pattern and skin texture with fine control and a diversity of appearances, to produce camouflage or to send signals. He argues that all camouflage patterns in nature can be grouped into three types. In part 2, Hanlon shows us results from his lab that make a convincing case that the rapid adaptive coloration of cephalopods is controlled by their visual system; quite impressive for a color-blind animal! Part 3 focuses on the unique skin of cephalopods including the system of pigments and reflectors that allows it to quickly change to any hue and contrast, and the papillae musculature that allows the skin to deform and create multiple 3D textures.