控制老化的基因 - Cynthia Kenyon P1


Cynthia Kenyon (UCSF) Part 1: Genes that Control Aging

Once it was thought that aging was just a random and haphazard process. Instead, the rate of aging turns out to be subject to regulation by transcription factors that respond to hormones and other signals. In the nematode C. elegans, in which many key discoveries about aging were first made, the aging process is subject to regulation by food intake, sensory perception, and signals from the reproductive system. Changing genes and cells that affect aging can lengthen lifespan by six fold, and can also delay age-related disease, such as the growth of tumors.

2015-12-14 课时:43分钟

来自生殖系统的信号显示衰老的规律 - Cynthia Kenyon P2


Cynthia Kenyon (UCSF) Part 2: The Regulation of Aging by Signals from the Reproductive System

Once it was thought that aging was just a random and haphazard process. Instead, the rate of aging turns out to be subject to regulation by transcription factors that respond to hormones and other signals. In the nematode C. elegans, in which many key discoveries about aging were first made, the aging process is subject to regulation by food intake, sensory perception, and signals from the reproductive system. Changing genes and cells that affect aging can lengthen lifespan by six fold, and can also delay age-related disease, such as the growth of tumors.

2015-12-14 课时:38分钟

免疫反应的细胞基础 - Ira Mellman P1


Ira Mellman (Genentech) Part 1: Cellular Basis of the Immune Response

The immune system is charged with protecting us from invading microorganisms, a task that falls to a complex array of highly specialized cell types spread throughout the body but that must work together as an integrated system. How they accomplish and perform their functions can be wonderfully understood by probing the basic mechanisms governing their activities. In the first video, we will consider the overall organization of the immune response in cellular terms, the innate immune system (comprising evolutionarily ancient phagocytic cells that recognize conserved molecules of microorganisms) and the adaptive immune system (composed of lymphocytes that recognize chemically diverse antigens).

2015-12-14 课时:39分钟

基因分裂和RNA剪接 - Melissa Moore P1


Melissa Moore (U. Mass/HHMI) Part 1: Split Genes and RNA Splicing

In the first part of her talk, Dr. Moore explains that eukaryotic pre-mRNA contains long stretches of non-protein coding sequences interspersed with protein coding regions. By recognizing specific sequences, cellular machinery splices out the non-coding introns leaving just the protein-coding exons in mRNA. Although at first glance this may seem like a wasteful process, it is splicing that facilitates the evolution of new genes, and alternative splicing that allows a limited number of genes to produce a large number of proteins.

2015-12-14 课时:36分钟

病毒包膜的内吞和渗透作用 - Ari Helenius P2


Ari Helenius (ETH Zurich) Part 2: Endocytosis and Penetration

In the second lecture, the next steps in viral infection are described. Endocytosis of plasma membrane bound viruses can occur via a number of mechanisms including caveolar, clathrin, non-clathrin, or lipid raft mediated pathways. The internalized virus is enclosed in an endosome that may undergo increasing acidification resulting in acid mediated fusion between the viral envelope and the vesicle membrane. Following membrane penetration, the virus, once again, makes use of cellular machinery such as microtubules and their motors, to transfer its genome to the nucleus. Helenius describes experiments from his lab and others that have deciphered these complex processes.

2015-12-15 课时:31分钟




2015-12-22 课时:8分钟




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2015-12-24 课时:5分钟

抗原提呈和树突状细胞 - Ira Mellman Part 2



Ira Mellman (Genentech) Part 2: Antigen Presentation and Dendritic Cells

The immune response integrates two distinct systems of innate and adaptive immunity discovered over 100 years ago. Linking these two arms of the immune response is the task of a comparatively recently identified cell type, the dendritic cell. Dendritic cells have the capacity to detect the conserved microbial products that activate cells of the innate immune response and capture the dramatically wider diversity of microbial antigens to prime antibody and T cell responses characteristic of adaptive immunity. The unique capacity of dendritic cells for antigen processing and presentation reflects a series of remarkable specializations of basic principles of cell biology.

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2016-01-05 课时:66分钟

剪接体的结构和动力学 - Melissa Moore Part 2


本节课Melissa Moore讲述了,剪接体的成分和在每个工作周期中的剪接体。穆尔还解释了如何利用荧光蛋白标签和全反射显微镜的创新,使她和她的同事们能够更好地理解复接机器的有序组装与功能。

Melissa Moore (U. Mass/HHMI) Part 2: Spliceosome Structure and Dynamics

Moore goes on to describe the cellular splicing machine, the spliceosome, in greater detail in Part 2. She lists the components of the spliceosome and where each works in the spliceosome cycle. Moore also explains how the innovative use of fluorescent protein tags and total internal reflection microscopy has allowed her and her colleagues to better understand the ordered assembly and function of the complex splicing machine.

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2016-01-05 课时:40分钟

我是如何成为一名科学家的 - Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa


Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa(Q博士)(霍普金斯达大学):我是如何成为一名科学家


关于讲师:Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa是约翰霍普金斯大学,神经外科学和肿瘤学,神经系统的细胞与分子医学的副教授,脑肿瘤外科手术的主任。Q博士作为一个专家外科医生,他致力于干细胞,在脑肿瘤的病因和治疗领域的研究。

Alfredo Quinones-Hinojosa (Dr. Q) (Johns Hopkins): How I Became a Scientist

At age 19, Quiñones-Hinojosa jumped the fence from Mexico to become a farm worker in California. Thanks to his own determination, hard work and discipline and a lot of support from family and friends, he left farm work, completed university and medical school, and ultimately became a highly successful physician-scientist and brain surgeon.

About the speaker: Alfredo Quiñones-Hinojosa is an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology, Neuroscience and Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Director of the Brain Tumor Surgery Program at Johns Hopkins University. As well as being an expert surgeon, he researches the role of stem cells both in causing brain tumors and potentially in fighting them.

This talk was first released in iBioMagazine Issue 5.


2016-01-06 课时:16分钟