Cell and chemical biology of mitosis

2015-03-02 课时:23分钟

Cell and chemical biology of mitosis


2015-03-04 课时:36分钟

Simultaneous quantification of 47 gene expression in FFPE samples by a novel PCR-free approach

基因表达(gene expression)是指细胞在生命过程中,把储存在DNA顺序中遗传信息经过转录和翻译,转变成具有生物活性的蛋白质分子。生物体内的各种功能蛋白质和酶都是同相应的结构基因编码的。差别基因表达(differential gene expression)指细胞分化过程中,奢侈基因按一定顺序表达,表达的基因数约占基因总数的5%~10%。

2015-03-05 课时:17分钟

Karen Dell: iBiology:Meet the world's best biologists through the Internet

Karen Dell来自美国细胞生物学学会,她将简述通过iBiology来获取生物学学习和交流的资源。

2015-04-16 课时:24分钟

金颖:Fox3 suppresses NFAT-mediated differentiation to maintain self-renewal of embryonic stem cells


Pluripotency-associated transcription factor Foxd3 is required for maintaining pluripotent cells. However, molecular mechanisms underlying its function are largely unknown.

Here, we report that Foxd3 suppresses differentiation induced by Calcineurin-NFAT signaling to maintain the ESC identity. Mechanistically, Foxd3 interacts with NFAT proteins and recruits co-repressor Tle4, a member of the Tle suppressor family highly expressed in undifferentiated ESCs, to repress NFATc3’s transcriptional activities.

Furthermore, global transcriptome analysis shows that Foxd3 and NFATc3 co-regulate a set of differentiation-associated genes in ESCs. Collectively, our study establishes a molecular and functional link between a pluripotency-associated factor and an important ESC differentiation-inducing pathway.

2015-08-04 课时:38分钟

SureSelect 定制靶向测序--陈巍学基因(23)

Agilent 公司出品的 SureSelect 定制捕获测序 Panel,是一个很好用的目标基因测序试盒。是在肿瘤靶向用药的伴随诊断上的一个先进技术手段。

许多专业的测序公司提供基于 SureSelect Panel 的定制测序服务。

本视频介绍了客户自行定制 SureSelect Panel 的方法。

2015-09-06 课时:13分钟

秦正红:DRAM1 regulates autophagy flux and Bid-mediated cell death via lysosomes


Damage-regulated autophagy modulator1 (DRAM1), a novel TP53 target gene, is an evolutionarily conserved lysosomal protein and plays an essential role in TP53-dependent autophagy activation and apoptosis (Crighton et al, 2006). However, the mechanisms by which DRAM1 promotes autophagy and apoptosis are not clear. 3-Nitropropionic acid (3-NP) is an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiratory complex II. Intrastriatal administration of 3-NP produces neuropathology resemble to Huntington disease. 3-NP-induced neuronal death was involved in autophagy and apoptosis. In vitro studies with 3-NP in TP53 wt and null cells, 3-NP or CCCP increased the protein levels of DRAM1 in a TP53-dependent or independent manner. DRAM1 induction contributed to 3-NP-induced autophagy activation. Knock-down of DRAM1 with siRNA inhibited the activity of V-ATPase, acidification of lysosomes and activation of lysosomal proteases. Knock-down of DRAM1 reduced the clearance of autophagososmes.

3-NP also induced a transcription independent upregulation of BAX protein levels. Knock-down of DRAM1 suppressed the increase in BAX levels. Co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down studies revealed an interaction of DRAM1 and BAX protein. Stably expression of exogenous DRAM1 increased the half-life of BAX. Upregulation of DRAM1 recruited BAX to lysosomes and induced cathepsin B-dependent cleavage of Bid and cytochrome c release. Knockdown of DRAM1, BAX or inhibition of lysosomal enzymes reduced 3-NP-induced cytochrome c release and cell death.

These data suggest that DRAM1 plays important roles in regulating autophagy flux and apoptosis. DRAM1 promotes autophagy flux through a mechanism involves activation of V-ATPase and enhances the acidification of lysosomes. DRAM1 promotes apoptosis via a mechanism involving recruitment of BAX to lysosomes to trigger cathepsin B-mediated Bid cleavage.

2015-09-30 课时:39分钟

Generating B-lymphoblastoid cell lines using Epstein Barr virus transformation.

Generating immortalized B-lymphoblastoid cell lines via Epstein Barr virus transformation using the B95-8 EBV-infected and producing marmoset cell line.

2015-12-07 课时:0分钟

Western Blot Using The invitrogen NuPAGE Novex Bis-Tris MiniGel System(Aubin Penna.Ph.D)

Western Blot Using The invitrogen NuPAGE Novex Bis-Tris MiniGel System(Aubin Penna.Ph.D)

2015-12-08 课时:23分钟





2. CellSearch系统的检测原理:(1)用微磁珠对CTC细胞进行富集;(2)用针对DNA的荧光染色剂“DAPI”进行染色,以排除红细胞;(3)区分白细胞和CTC细胞。




2015-12-14 课时:10分钟