sRNA Induces the Large-scale Transdetermination of Mesenchymal Stem Cells inTo HemaTopoietic Stem Cells in Human.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate inTo cells of bone, endothelium, adipose tissue, cartilage, muscle, and brain. However, whether they can transdeterminate inTo hemaTopoietic stem cells (HSCs) remains unsolved. We report here that a subpopulation of human MSCs that are CD44+,CD29+, CD105+, CD166+,CD133-,CD34- could differentiate inTo hemaTopoietic stem cells (CD150+/CD133+/CD34+) and their descending blood cells in vitro, when transfected with new endogenous shRNAs The sRNA was high-effectively delivered inTo MSCs by a novel peptide means. These induced MSC-HSCs could form different types of hemaTopoietic colonies as nature-occurring HSCs did. Upon transplantation inTo sublethally irradiated NOD/SCID mice, these MSC-HSCs engrafted and differentiated inTo all hemaTopoietic lineages such as erythrocytes, lymphocytes, myelocytes and thrombocyte. More importantly, these induced HSCs could successfully engraft and effectively function in patients with severe aplastic anemia. Furthermore, we demonstrated the first evidence that the transdetermination of MSCs was induced by acetylation of hisTone proteins and activation of many transcriptional facTors. Together, our findings identify the sRNAs that dictates a directed differentiation of MSCs Toward HSCs and open up a new source for HSCs used for the treatment of blood diseases and artificial stem cell-made blood.
Eric Topol:未来医疗的无线化
ChrisTopher deCharms:即时扫描大脑的技术
神经科学家和发明家ChrisTopher deCharms展示一种新的方式利用功能磁共振成像显示大脑活动-思想,情感,痛苦-当它正在发生时。换句话说,你可以看到你的感受。
Cell and chemical biology of miTosis
Cell and chemical biology of miTosis
Cell and chemical biology of miTosis
Cell and chemical biology of miTosis
Cell and chemical biology of miTosis
Ion Torrent测序 - 陈巍学基因(13)
IonTorrent是最新一代的测序技术,它的核心技术是使用半导体技术在化学和数字信息之间建立直接的联系。在半导体芯片的微孔中的微球上固定DNA链,随后依次掺入ACGT。随着每个碱基的掺入,释放出氢离子,在它们穿过每个孔底部时能被检测到,通过对H+ 的检测,实时判读碱基。
李于:SIRT1 Regulation of Energy Metabolism: Attenuation of Hepatic SteaTosis and Obesity
Fibroblast growth facTor 21 (FGF21) is the hepaTocyte-derived hormone that regulates fatty acid metabolism and has potential To treat obesity and diabetes. We recently indicate that hepatic overexpression of SIRT1 in diabetic mice attenuates hepatic steaTosis and insulin resistance. However, the in vivo long-term consequence of hepatic SIRT1 ablation in liver physiology remains unknown.
We showed that hepaTocyte-specific SIRT1 knockout (SIRT1 LKO) mice with the albumin Cre-loxP system exhibited a striking phenotype with greater propensity for obesity on a chow diet, characterized by increased whole body mass and fat mass, reduced energy expenditure, and unaltered food intake and physical activity. The obese phenotypes of SIRT1 LKO mice were associated with reduced hepatic and circulating levels of fasting FGF21.
Hepatic impairment of FGF21 repressed expression of key enzymes involving fatty acid oxidation such as CPT1α and MCAD, and inhibited expression of keTogenic enzymes including ACAT1, HMGCS2, HMGCL, and BDH1, thereby reducing plasma β–hydroxybutyrate levels in SIRT1 LKO mice. Moreover, transcriptional activity of a FGF21 promoter-driven luciferase reporter was stimulated by SIRT1 activaTors, resveratrol and SRT1720, in SIRT1+/+ MEFs, but not in SIRT1-/- MEFs.
The ability of resveratrol and SRT1720 To stimulate FGF21 protein was abolished by SIRT1 H335A inactive mutant or by nicotinamide and spliTomicin in HepG2 cells. Induction of FGF21 by SIRT1 activaTors enhanced expression of key enzymes for fatty acid oxidation and keTogenesis.
These in vivo and in vitro findings characterize 1) hepatic SIRT1 as a master regulaTor of FGF21; 2) SIRT1-dependent activation of FGF21 in liver as a component for adaptive fasting response; and 3) defective hepatic SIRT1 and FGF21 signaling as a key pathological determinant of energy metabolic abnormality and obesity susceptibility.