STAbility of Morphogen Gradients & Movement of Molecules
In my second lecture I describe experiments using EGFP tagged Bicoid to follow Bcd gradient eSTAblishment in living embryos, and to test various aspects of the simple model. Despite continuous synthesis of new Bcd protein at the anterior end of the egg, we find that the concentration of Bcd in nuclei at any given point along the anterior posterior axis is conSTAnt over time and is reproducible from embryo to the next. This reproducibility means that the gradient is sufficiently robust to provide positional information and thus can accurately direct gene activities. One the other hand, quantitative imaging experiments point to several features of the gradient that are hard to explain - how target genes activated by Bcd distinguish relatively subtle differences in low concentrations, and how Bcd molecules move from the anterior site of their synthesis to the site of their transcriptional activity. See more at
PureBlu™ Hoechst 33342 Nuclear STAining Dye for Live Cells - A Fast Approach to STAining Nuclei
This brief tutorial demonstrates the use of the PureBlu Hoechst 33342 Dye with the ZOE™ Fluorescent Cell Imager for routine nuclear STAining in fluorescence microscopy and cell imaging applications.
A study on mechanism and function of androgen-responsive non-coding RNAs in ProSTAte Cancer
近年来大量研究表明非编码RNA在人类疾病的调控中扮演了越来越重要的角色。包括肿瘤、神经系统疾病、心血管病的发生、以及参与免疫与代谢疾病调控、精子发育调控等,为开发疾病诊断标志物以及筛选新药靶标带来诸多新的方向。本次网络研讨会将围绕非编码RNA调控机理, 技术方法以及与疾病关系邀请名专家学者座谈,分享最新非编码RNA研究成果与经验,推动学科发展,促进转化医学及合作。