Simultaneous quantification of 47 gene expression in FFPE SAmples by a novel PCR-free approach

基因表达(gene expression)是指细胞在生命过程中,把储存在DNA顺序中遗传信息经过转录和翻译,转变成具有生物活性的蛋白质分子。生物体内的各种功能蛋白质和酶都是同相应的结构基因编码的。差别基因表达(differential gene expression)指细胞分化过程中,奢侈基因按一定顺序表达,表达的基因数约占基因总数的5%~10%。

2015-03-05 课时:17分钟

Immunoblot and Enzyme-linked asSAy

Immunoblot and Enzyme-linked asSAy

2015-12-08 课时:3分钟

基因分裂和RNA剪接 - MelisSA Moore P1


MelisSA Moore (U. Mass/HHMI) Part 1: Split Genes and RNA Splicing

In the first part of her talk, Dr. Moore explains that eukaryotic pre-mRNA contains long stretches of non-protein coding sequences interspersed with protein coding regions. By recognizing specific sequences, cellular machinery splices out the non-coding introns leaving just the protein-coding exons in mRNA. Although at first glance this may seem like a wasteful process, it is splicing that facilitates the evolution of new genes, and alternative splicing that allows a limited number of genes to produce a large number of proteins.

2015-12-14 课时:36分钟

剪接体的结构和动力学 - MelisSA Moore Part 2


本节课MelisSA Moore讲述了,剪接体的成分和在每个工作周期中的剪接体。穆尔还解释了如何利用荧光蛋白标签和全反射显微镜的创新,使她和她的同事们能够更好地理解复接机器的有序组装与功能。

MelisSA Moore (U. Mass/HHMI) Part 2: Spliceosome Structure and Dynamics

Moore goes on to describe the cellular splicing machine, the spliceosome, in greater detail in Part 2. She lists the components of the spliceosome and where each works in the spliceosome cycle. Moore also explains how the innovative use of fluorescent protein tags and total internal reflection microscopy has allowed her and her colleagues to better understand the ordered assembly and function of the complex splicing machine.

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2016-01-05 课时:40分钟

我是如何成为一名科学家的 - Alfredo Quinones-HinojoSA


Alfredo Quinones-HinojoSA(Q博士)(霍普金斯达大学):我是如何成为一名科学家


关于讲师:Alfredo Quinones-HinojoSA是约翰霍普金斯大学,神经外科学和肿瘤学,神经系统的细胞与分子医学的副教授,脑肿瘤外科手术的主任。Q博士作为一个专家外科医生,他致力于干细胞,在脑肿瘤的病因和治疗领域的研究。

Alfredo Quinones-HinojoSA (Dr. Q) (Johns Hopkins): How I Became a Scientist

At age 19, Quiñones-HinojoSA jumped the fence from Mexico to become a farm worker in California. Thanks to his own determination, hard work and discipline and a lot of support from family and friends, he left farm work, completed university and medical school, and ultimately became a highly successful physician-scientist and brain surgeon.

About the speaker: Alfredo Quiñones-HinojoSA is an Associate Professor of Neurosurgery and Oncology, Neuroscience and Cellular and Molecular Medicine and Director of the Brain Tumor Surgery Program at Johns Hopkins University. As well as being an expert surgeon, he researches the role of stem cells both in causing brain tumors and potentially in fighting them.

This talk was first released in iBioMagazine Issue 5.


2016-01-06 课时:16分钟

生物学中的蛋白质磷酸化 - SuSAn Taylor

In this lecture, I have given an overview of protein kinase structure and function using cyclic AMP dependent kinase (PKA) as a prototype for this enzyme superfamily. I have demonstrated what we have learned from the overall structural kinome which allows us to compare many protein kinases and also to appreciate how the highly regulated eukaryotic protein kinase has evolved. By comparing many protein kinase structures, we are beginning to elucidate general rules of architecture. In addition, I have attempted to illustrate how PKA is regulated by cAMP and how it is localized to specific macromolecular complexes through scaffold proteins.

2016-04-15 课时:24分钟

蛋白激酶的结构 - SuSAn Taylor

In this lecture, I have given an overview of protein kinase structure and function using cyclic AMP dependent kinase (PKA) as a prototype for this enzyme superfamily. I have demonstrated what we have learned from the overall structural kinome which allows us to compare many protein kinases and also to appreciate how the highly regulated eukaryotic protein kinase has evolved. By comparing many protein kinase structures, we are beginning to elucidate general rules of architecture. In addition, I have attempted to illustrate how PKA is regulated by cAMP and how it is localized to specific macromolecular complexes through scaffold proteins.

2016-04-15 课时:29分钟

蛋白激酶的调控与定位- SuSAn Taylor

In this lecture, I have given an overview of protein kinase structure and function using cyclic AMP dependent kinase (PKA) as a prototype for this enzyme superfamily. I have demonstrated what we have learned from the overall structural kinome which allows us to compare many protein kinases and also to appreciate how the highly regulated eukaryotic protein kinase has evolved. By comparing many protein kinase structures, we are beginning to elucidate general rules of architecture. In addition, I have attempted to illustrate how PKA is regulated by cAMP and how it is localized to specific macromolecular complexes through scaffold proteins.

2016-04-15 课时:28分钟

Pseudomonas aeruginoSA生存与肠道反应

当我们想到细菌的时候,我们真的不去想这些痛苦当他们为了保住自己的家园而奋斗的时候。Michele LeRoux博士解释了细菌如何相互影响当他们竞争环境资源。 她以六型分泌系统(T6SS),一些细菌的膜中的蛋白质复合物这是用来对抗和战胜其他细菌。铜绿假单胞菌的研究,她发现,当这些细菌和其他细菌的遭遇,他们能够增加细胞膜的活性和数量。她注意到铜绿假单胞菌能感觉到兄弟姐妹的手足细菌的死亡,这将激活他们的防御系统。这种新的免疫反应机制在细菌中,提供对有害线索的细菌反应的洞察力。

2016-11-23 课时:30分钟


Milliplex 生物标志物高通量筛选液相悬浮芯片,多重生物标志物检测在疾病研究和转化医学发展中越来越获得重视,而Milliplex多因子检测平台为多重生物标志物检测提供了快速、准确、高效的方法。 生命科学前沿研究需要的是系统性的数据组合以阐明蛋白在生物反应通路上的关系。以xMAP专利技术为核心的多重检测技术,以荧光微珠为载体,比传统方法学更节省时间、更少工作量并且更低大大降低使用成本。 • 只需低至25ul样本以及一个包括了所有试剂的试剂盒 • 订制试剂盒,满足客户自主挑选Biomarker并选择微珠混合形式(预混或非预混)的需求 • 独家提供质控品 • 严格验证确保检测指标的自由组合不影响结果的稳定性和准确性 • 标准品严格质控保证批间稳定性

2018-01-23 课时:3分钟