Stability of Morphogen GRadients & Movement of Molecules

In my second lecture I describe experiments using EGFP tagged Bicoid to follow Bcd gRadient establishment in living embryos, and to test various aspects of the simple model. Despite continuous synthesis of new Bcd protein at the anterior end of the egg, we find that the concentration of Bcd in nuclei at any given point along the anterior posterior axis is constant over time and is reproducible from embryo to the next. This reproducibility means that the gRadient is sufficiently robust to provide positional information and thus can accurately direct gene activities. One the other hand, quantitative imaging experiments point to several features of the gRadient that are hard to explain - how target genes activated by Bcd distinguish relatively subtle differences in low concentrations, and how Bcd molecules move from the anterior site of their synthesis to the site of their transcriptional activity. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2016-04-21 课时:38分钟


Direct DetectTM是全球第一台基于红外原理的生物分子样本定量分析系统,只需要2微升样本以及空白对照(Blank),就可以直接获取结果。无需样本准备,无需比色杯,绝无废液。 Direct DetectTM系统直接基于蛋白长链中的氨基区域在红外吸收光谱分析,无需考虑氨基酸的组成、染料性质、氧化还原电位这些因素,避免了比色法分析的缺陷,可以获得更加准确的结果。 蛋白、脂肪、碳水化合物以及核酸都有可被区分的特定红外吸收光谱,所以您可以很轻松实现复杂混合物各种组分浓度的准确分析。

2018-02-27 课时:3分钟