
Nature Video邀请Windsor Castle来看LeonaRDo的解剖图,这些手绘图表明了LeonaRDo在该领域做了大量的工作。他开展实验并得到几个世纪以来未公开的惊人的医学发现,这一发现这已经摇身一变成为欧洲解剖学课题。本视频中向我们展示了其中三个最有趣的解剖学研究。

2015-03-12 课时:7分钟


Detailed explanation of steps in recombinant DNA technology explained with the example of insulin synthesis in bacterium.

2015-11-20 课时:9分钟

枯草芽孢杆菌中芽孢的形成 - RichaRD Losick P1


RichaRD Losick (HarvaRD) Part 1: Spore Formation in Bacillus Subtilis

How do simple cells differentiate, assemble into communities, and cope with change? Losick's seminar addresses these questions in the spore-forming bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Part I is an overview of how B. subtilis makes a spore.

2015-12-14 课时:29分钟

多细胞生物的新研究 - RichaRD Losick P2


RichaRD Losick (HarvaRD) Part 2: New Research on Multicellularity

Part II presents research on the capacity of B. subtilis cells to form architecturally complex communities.

2015-12-14 课时:19分钟

枯草芽孢杆菌的不确定性和细胞结局 - RichaRD Losick P3


RichaRD Losick (HarvaRD) Part 3: Stochasticity and Cell Fate

Part III presents research showing that B. subtilis uses a bet hedging strategy for coping with uncertainty.

2015-12-14 课时:26分钟

在染色体分离中有关长度和数量的问题 - RichaRD McIntosh P1


RichaRD McIntosh (U. Colorado, Boulder) Part 1: Separating Duplicated Chromosomes

The goal of these three talks is to define the problems that a cell faces as it prepares for division and to describe some of the ways it solves them. In Part 1, both the length and amount of DNA are presented as problems for chromosome segregation, particularly in eukaryotic cells. The actions of cohesins and of chromosome condensation are described as solutions. The mitotic machinery is introduced, including its diversity of form across phylogeny, however, the features that appear to be conserved are emphasized. This lecture may be useful for upper level undergraduate and graduate courses discussing mitosis and cell division. See more at www.ibioseminars.org

2015-12-14 课时:30分钟

通过实验了解有丝分裂 - RichaRD McIntosh P2


RichaRD McIntosh (U. Colorado, Boulder) Part 2: Understanding Mitosis through Experimentation

The second lecture describes some key experiments showing the dynamics of a formed mitotic spindle and the ways these may contribute to accurate chromosome motion. Experiments that reveal aspects of the processes by which chromosomes attach to the spindle are presented. Mitotic motors are introduced and discussed in the light of what they probably do and do not accomplish to effect chromosome motion, including acting to improve the accuracy of chromosome segregation. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2015-12-14 课时:40分钟

有丝分裂后期:染色体向纺锤体两极移动 - RichaRD McIntosh P3


RichaRD McIntosh (U. Colorado, Boulder) Part 3: Moving Chromosome to the Spindle Poles: Anaphase A

The thiRD lecture presents evidence, largely from McIntosh's lab, that shows how microtubule depolymerization can move chromosomes in vitro and explores the nature of some of the protein complexes that can couple chromosomes to microtubules and take advantage of this reaction. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2015-12-14 课时:42分钟


Direct DetectTM是全球第一台基于红外原理的生物分子样本定量分析系统,只需要2微升样本以及空白对照(Blank),就可以直接获取结果。无需样本准备,无需比色杯,绝无废液。 Direct DetectTM系统直接基于蛋白长链中的氨基区域在红外吸收光谱分析,无需考虑氨基酸的组成、染料性质、氧化还原电位这些因素,避免了比色法分析的缺陷,可以获得更加准确的结果。 蛋白、脂肪、碳水化合物以及核酸都有可被区分的特定红外吸收光谱,所以您可以很轻松实现复杂混合物各种组分浓度的准确分析。

2018-02-27 课时:3分钟

质谱代谢组学技术:精准医学的赋能者—Beyond biomarker, towaRDs mechanism

众所周知,多组学(Multi-Omics)技术是精准医学研究的重要抓手之一,不同组学研究能为揭示疾病标志物与致病机制提供不同分子层次上的有益视角。有容乃大,众行则远,针对不同疾病的特性与研究需求,灵活调配各种组学技术,兼容并用,已然成为精准医学实践中自觉自发的一种研究模式,引人关注,蔚为大观。作为生物信息流传递的下游与遗传-暴露因素复杂互作级联效应的读取器,生物体液中富蕴的代谢组信息与生物表型之间存在着天然上的最大似然,代谢组学技术在既往的转化医学研究中呈现出的价值人所共知。正如学界倡议的那样直截了当,Metabolomics Enables Precision Medicine!此次,让我们一起回顾代谢组学与转化医学守望相助、风云激荡的过往,纵观技术的悄然进步如何成就精准医学更好的现下与将来。主要分享的内容有: • 以史为鉴,继往开来:代谢组学在精准医学中的应用与启示 • 盘马弯弓,引而待发:质谱代谢组学的技术体系与研究流程 • 西北望,射天狼:最新技术进展之从非靶向到靶向、从谱库到云端的全面出击 • 结语:了却客户烦心事

2017-09-18 课时:99分钟