The Inner LIFE of the Cell
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JSR LIFE Sciences业务介绍
捷时雅(上海)商贸有限公司是JSR 集团在中国的全资子公司,其生物技术部全面负责JSR LIFE Sciences公司及其控股子公司的生物工艺器材、诊断试剂原料和医用高分子材料等产品在中国的市场推广、销售和技术支持工作。生物工艺器材类产品包括:亲和层析填料(protein A 亲和填料)、离子交换层析膜(NatriFlo HD-Q)、三维细胞培养耗材及试剂(SCIVAX)等,主要用于新药候选物筛选、药物毒性评估、生物医药工业的下游分离和纯化及大规模制备生产等领域;
JSR LIFE Sciences生物工艺器材
JSR LIFE Sciences给中国的抗体药物研发及生产单位,提供一套独有的下游工艺解决方案。
Amspere JWT203 Protein A 填料用于抗体药物的捕获,NatriFlo HD-Q 离子交换膜用于抗体药物精细 纯化步骤,有效降低用户的生产成本,缩短工艺时间,提高工艺的稳定性。ChromaCon 的连续层析系统为抗体药物的质控分析提供高精度高分辨率的工具,有效分离和分析抗体酸碱变体。
Sigma® LIFE Science——Where bio begins
生命是一个不断扩大、不断进化的宇宙,充满着发现问题和探索未知的机会。每天,突破性的想法重新调整我们的认识,不断打破我们对生物学的认知边界。Sigma® LIFE Science正在改变世人关于生物学的思维方式,让研究者以独特的视角去探索科学,鼓舞他们去不懈挑战,这里是生物学开始的地方。
Erich Gnaiger:LIFE Style and Mitochondrial Competence – Modern Drugs for T2 Diabetes in Aging and Degenerative Diseases.
D. Swarovski Research Laboratory (Mitochondrial Physiology), Dept. General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery, Innsbruck Medical University; and OROBOROS INSTRUMENTS, Innsbruck, Austria. - Email:
The contribution of mitochondrial dysfunction to the etiology of T2 diabetes and a range of preventable metabolic diseases is the subject of intensive current research with world-wide health implications.
Recently these investigations gained depth and scope by technological advances for diagnosis of mitochondrial function by comprehensive OXPHOS analysis using high-resolution respirometry [1,2]. Fundamental questions of a causal relationship, however, between compromised mitochondrial function and development of T2 diabetes remain to be resolved [3,4] to optimize prevention and treatment of insulin resistance.
For preventable diseases such as T2 diabetes, the evolutionary background of mitochondrial competence provides a solid basis for improved and broad application of a well established modern drug, mtLSD.
Post-industrial societies are characterized by a high-energy input LIFEstyle with diminished physical activity and high incidence of non-transmittable diseases, in comparison to human populations where physical work is essentially important for sustaining LIFE and in which degenerative diseases (T2 diabetes, various cancers, Alzheimer's) are essentially absent [5]. The capacity of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is increased or maintained high by a LIFE style involving endurance exercise and strength training [6].
LIFE style changes from the age of 20-30 years to the elderly, but is subject to change and intervention. Depending on group selection in cross-sectional studies, OXPHOS capacity declines from the age of 20-30 years [7,8], or is independent of age up to 80 years [9,10].
Independent of age, there is a strong decline of OXPHOS capacity in human vastus lateralis from BMI of 20 to 30 [1]. At a BMI >30, a threshold OXPHOS capacity is reached in human v. lateralis that may be characteristic of a low-grade inflammatory state (‘mitochondrial fever’).
Onset of degenerative diseases (T2 diabetes, neuromuscular degeneration, various cancers) and mitochondrial dysfunction interact in an amplification loop progressing slowly with age, such that cause and effect of mitochondrial dysfunction cannot be distinguished. Diminished antioxidant capacity at low mitochondrial density is an important mechanistic candidate in the state of mitochondrial fever.
For implementing a LIFE style supporting mitochondrial competence and preventing degenerative diseases in modern societies, we need (1) extended research programmes focused on the causative link between mitochondrial competence and effective prevention of degenerative diseases, (2) educational programmes on mitochondrial physiology targeted at general practitioners, teachers and the society at large, (3) cooperation of health care and insurance organizations to support preventive LIFE style activities, and (4) do not miss any opportunity in taking the lead in living the mtLIFE Style Drug (mtLSD).