

2014-10-13 课时:-23547840分钟


卢大儒,遗传学博士,复旦大学特聘教授,生命科学院副院长,遗传工程国家重点实验室副主任,主要从事包括肿瘤分子遗传学;基因检测与基因操作研究。在血友病B基因治疗、东亚人群起源和肿瘤的遗传易感基因与药物遗传学发方面作出突出贡献。先后在Nature、Science、Nature Genetics等杂志上发表SCI论文近200篇,承担各类国家和地方科研项目30余项,获得国家和省部级奖励10余项,其中国家自然科学二等奖1项,国家技术发明二等奖1项,省部级科技奖一等奖5项,获得全国优秀教师、全国师德先进个人、中国青年科技奖、国家百千万人才工程国家级人选、全国优秀博士论文、霍英东优秀青年教师一等奖、教育部优秀青年教师奖、上海市优秀学科带头人、上海市高等学校教学名师和国务院政府特殊津贴等荣誉。

2015-04-20 课时:7分钟


新一代基因测序(NGs)技术正迅猛发展,检测技术日趋成熟,检测费用也不断降低。NGs在医学研究和临床诊断应用方面正在不断扩大。这些都提示NGs正被广泛应用的黄金时光比人们原先预测的来得快。 除了简要分享NGs的技术发展现状,市场应用前景和NGs在临床医学和基因疾病诊断中的重要应用外, 我将特别探讨无创伤产前基因筛查(包括母血游离DNA和完整胎儿细胞单细胞基因检测)和NGs的应用, Ion Torrent基因定型和肿瘤方面的一些最新研究进展和实验资料。

2015-04-20 课时:11分钟

Erich Gnaiger:Life Style and Mitochondrial Competence – Modern DruGs for T2 Diabetes in Aging and Degenerative Diseases.

D. Swarovski Research Laboratory (Mitochondrial Physiology), Dept. General, Visceral and Transplant Surgery, Innsbruck Medical University; and OROBOROS INSTRUMENTS, Innsbruck, Austria. - Email: erich.gnaiger@oroboros.at

The contribution of mitochondrial dysfunction to the etiology of T2 diabetes and a range of preventable metabolic diseases is the subject of intensive current research with world-wide health implications.

Recently these investigations gained depth and scope by technological advances for diagnosis of mitochondrial function by comprehensive OXPHOS analysis using high-resolution respirometry [1,2]. Fundamental questions of a causal relationship, however, between compromised mitochondrial function and development of T2 diabetes remain to be resolved [3,4] to optimize prevention and treatment of insulin resistance.

For preventable diseases such as T2 diabetes, the evolutionary background of mitochondrial competence provides a solid basis for improved and broad application of a well established modern drug, mtLSD.

Post-industrial societies are characterized by a high-energy input lifestyle with diminished physical activity and high incidence of non-transmittable diseases, in comparison to human populations where physical work is essentially important for sustaining life and in which degenerative diseases (T2 diabetes, various cancers, Alzheimer's) are essentially absent [5]. The capacity of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is increased or maintained high by a life style involving endurance exercise and strength training [6].

Life style changes from the age of 20-30 years to the elderly, but is subject to change and intervention. Depending on group selection in cross-sectional studies, OXPHOS capacity declines from the age of 20-30 years [7,8], or is independent of age up to 80 years [9,10].

Independent of age, there is a strong decline of OXPHOS capacity in human vastus lateralis from BMI of 20 to 30 [1]. At a BMI >30, a threshold OXPHOS capacity is reached in human v. lateralis that may be characteristic of a low-grade inflammatory state (‘mitochondrial fever’).

Onset of degenerative diseases (T2 diabetes, neuromuscular degeneration, various cancers) and mitochondrial dysfunction interact in an amplification loop progressing slowly with age, such that cause and effect of mitochondrial dysfunction cannot be distinguished. Diminished antioxidant capacity at low mitochondrial density is an important mechanistic candidate in the state of mitochondrial fever.

For implementing a life style supporting mitochondrial competence and preventing degenerative diseases in modern societies, we need (1) extended research programmes focused on the causative link between mitochondrial competence and effective prevention of degenerative diseases, (2) educational programmes on mitochondrial physiology targeted at general practitioners, teachers and the society at large, (3) cooperation of health care and insurance organizations to support preventive life style activities, and (4) do not miss any opportunity in taking the lead in living the mtLife Style Drug (mtLSD).

2015-05-18 课时:47分钟


新一代测序技术过程中样品制备的质量是测序结果可靠性的根本保障,从核酸的提取、DNA 片段化、末端修复、标记添加,以及产物磁珠纯化、文库构建的每一个步骤,都对最终的实验结果有着巨大的影响。
在整个繁琐和复杂的NGs样本制备过程中,很多用户都有着诸如此类的疑问: 怎样减少可能出现的手工失误,如何选择合适实验工具进行,怎样避免样本的交叉污染,如何提高珍贵样品的文库构建效果,如何保证RNA样品的测序成功率?
在此次系列NGs网络讲座中,拥有丰富分子生物学产品的Eppendorf 公司将会为各位老师带来涉及NGs样本制备过程中的一系列技巧:
1. 影响文库构建成功率的操作因素;
2. 怎样避免样本制备过程中的交叉污染;
3. 如何保证微量样品文库构建的成功率;

2015-07-24 课时:32分钟



2015-12-03 课时:41分钟



2017-07-20 课时:41分钟

刘 琦:通过挖掘NGs数据解读microhomology和人基于CRISPR-基因敲除的框内发生突变之间的关系


2017-09-08 课时:57分钟

Agilent V1高通量前处理技术助力NGs文库构建


2017-09-14 课时:40分钟



2017-11-17 课时:42分钟