Vale explains how doing science often follows a winding path with unexpected, sometimes wonderful surprises, and uses his own story to illustrate his point. When Vale was a graduate student, he initially hoped to show that myosin was involved in axonal transport, but ended up discovering a new molecule which he called kinesin.
生物分子的分离纯化是获得有效生物产品的重要环节之一。在纯化过程中需要考虑目的物性质,合理选择及组合具有各自特点及优势的层析技术,才能达到最优的纯化效果,满足目标产品产量、纯度等多方面的要求。自世界上第一款凝胶过滤填料诞生开始, GE公司作为蛋白分离纯化领域的专家,始终和您站在一起。“如何综合安排纯化策略?如何有机运用纯化方法?如何灵活优化纯化条件?”在这个讲座中,我们将探讨这些重组标签蛋白纯化工作中的重点和难点。
Randy Schekman (Berkeley) Part 1: Studying Protein Secretion in Yeast
Protein secretion is executed by a cellular pathway involving the delivery of membrane and soluble secretory proteins in vesicles that capture newly-synthesized proteins assembled in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and sorted in the Golgi apparatus. Vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane resulting in the discharge of soluble molecules to the cell exterior and integration of vesicle membrane proteins and lipids in the cell surface. Baker's yeast cells grow by vesicle fusion and secretion at the tip of the daughter bud. A genetic dissection of this process was performed with temperature sensitive conditional mutants blocked at one of several stations in the secretory pathway. See more athttp://www.ibioseminars.org
小改变,大不同!主动出击,科学设计层析流程,革命性优化试验结果。本期网络讲堂我们将介绍CIPP:CIPP是经过证实的可靠蛋白纯化策略。我们将层析过程分为三个不同阶段:捕获( Capture)、中度纯化( intermediate Purification)、精细纯化( Polishing),即CIPP。不同阶段目的是什么?不同阶段如何选择层析技术?各种层析技术如何衔接?我们都将一一阐述。
生物学中的蛋白质磷酸化 - Susan Taylor
In this lecture, I have given an overview of protein kinase structure and function using cyclic AMP dependent kinase (PKA) as a prototype for this enzyme superfamily. I have demonstrated what we have learned from the overall structural kinome which allows us to compare many protein kinases and also to appreciate how the highly regulated eukaryotic protein kinase has evolved. By comparing many protein kinase structures, we are beginning to elucidate general rules of architecture. In addition, I have attempted to illustrate how PKA is regulated by cAMP and how it is localized to specific macromolecular complexes through scaffold proteins.
蛋白激酶的结构 - Susan Taylor
In this lecture, I have given an overview of protein kinase structure and function using cyclic AMP dependent kinase (PKA) as a prototype for this enzyme superfamily. I have demonstrated what we have learned from the overall structural kinome which allows us to compare many protein kinases and also to appreciate how the highly regulated eukaryotic protein kinase has evolved. By comparing many protein kinase structures, we are beginning to elucidate general rules of architecture. In addition, I have attempted to illustrate how PKA is regulated by cAMP and how it is localized to specific macromolecular complexes through scaffold proteins.
蛋白激酶的调控与定位- Susan Taylor
In this lecture, I have given an overview of protein kinase structure and function using cyclic AMP dependent kinase (PKA) as a prototype for this enzyme superfamily. I have demonstrated what we have learned from the overall structural kinome which allows us to compare many protein kinases and also to appreciate how the highly regulated eukaryotic protein kinase has evolved. By comparing many protein kinase structures, we are beginning to elucidate general rules of architecture. In addition, I have attempted to illustrate how PKA is regulated by cAMP and how it is localized to specific macromolecular complexes through scaffold proteins.
Illustration of the role of actin polymers in cell movement and its conservation across species. Movies of moving neutrophils, amoeba and fish keratinocytes or skin cells. (3 movies)