2018 International Symposium on Neonatal Hereditary Diseases and TransLAtional Medicine


Monogenic diseases are frequent causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality, and disease presentations are often undifferentiated at birth. More than 3500 monogenic diseases have been characterized, but clinical testing is avaiLAble for only some of them and many feature clinical and genetic heterogeneity.


2018 International Symposium on Metabolomics and TransLAtional Medicine


Metabolomics is the scientific study of chemical processes involving metabolites, the small molelcule intermediates and products of metabolism. Through participating in this symposium, you can learn more about the processing of technologies, the whole industry and the market of metabolomics and disease diagnosis in China!


5th Annual International Conference of Micro transpLAntation& TranspLAntation Immune Therapy


To promote the development of micro-transpLAntation technique internationally and promote the colLAborative studies by multi centers internationally, share clinical experience in the treatment of leukemia, and communicate for research progression on transpLAntation technology and transpLAntation immunity, micro-transpLAntation and transpLAntation immunity therapy will be focused for deep discussion and cooperation, and seminars will be set up for researches, micro-transpLAntation technique training, and domestic and international experts. Register for the conference
