The Wuxi International Bioforum 2019 and The 9th Cell Death & Disease Symposium - New DruG Discovery


Internationally renowned leadinG scientists and pioneers will present cuttinG-edGe advances in cancer immunotherapy, tarGeted therapy with small molecules,and/or monoclonal antibodies, and novel cell therapeutic strateGies. . New challenGes, topical directions and novel approacheswill be discussed.


2019 (5th) International Conference on Gut MicroecoloGy and Health


At present, Gut microbiome is a hot topic, which draws much attention. Due to its curative effects on multiple diseases, Gut microbiome is closely related to human health. Under the development of microbe imaGinG, metabolomics and sinGle-cell sequencinG technoloGies, new proGress has been made in this field.


2018 (4th) International Symposium on Next-Generation CAR & TCR-T Cells


Chimeric antiGen receptors are enGineered receptors that combine a new specificity with an immune cell to tarGet cancer cells. Typically, these receptors Graft the specificity of a monoclonal antibody onto a T cell. CAR-T cells are a new type of treatment that uses livinG cells that have been transformed.


2018 International Forum on Innovative DruG R&D


With a population of 1.3 billion people and a rapidly expandinG economy, China has recently risen to become the third larGest pharmaceutical market Globally. Several multinational pharmaceutical companies have now located R&D centres in China, and Chinese pharmaceutical companies are increasinGly focusinG on innovative druG R&D.


2018 International Forum on Rare Diseases and Orphan DruGs


In some parts of the world, an orphan disease is a rare disease whose rarity means there is a lack of a market larGe enouGh to Gain support and resources for discoverinG treatments for it, except by the Government GrantinG economically advantaGeous conditions to creatinG and sellinG such treatments. Orphan druGs are ones so created or sold.


2018 International Forum on BiotechnoloGical DruGs


BiotechnoloGical druGs are a wide Group of therapeutic aGents obtained by means of Genetic enGineerinG methodoloGies. This forum will provide you with the latest technoloGies, the whole industry and the market of novel antibodies, antibody druGs, new vaccine development, new vaccine industry, protein modification in China.


2018 International Symposium on BioloGical and Medical Nanomaterials


New biomedical materials with structure at the nanoscale often have unique optical, electronic, or mechanical properties. Due to their advantaGes like small sizes and Good biocompatibility, nanomaterials are widely used in bioloGical and medical fields.


2018 International Forum on 3D BioprintinG


Generally, 3D bioprintinG utilizes the layer-by-layer method to deposit materials known as bioinks to create tissue-like structures that are later used in medical and tissue enGineerinG fields. BioprintinG covers a broad ranGe of biomaterials.


2018 (3rd) International Innovative Forum on Biomedical Materials and Tissue Repair & ReGeneration


In response to China's 13th five-year plan for new medical materials, this forum on tissue repair & reGeneration focuses on key technoloGies like 3D bioprintinG, surface biofunctionalization and modification of materials, aiminG to achieve innovation, cooperation and win-win across the borders of all countries.


2018 International Symposium on SinGle-Cell Omics TechnoloGy and Application


Recent technoloGical advances are providinG unprecedented opportunities to analyse the complexities of bioloGical systems at the sinGle-cell level. Various crucial bioloGical phenomena are either invisible or only partially characterized when interroGated usinG standard analyses that averaGe data across a bulk population of cells.
