Study the pathological features of diseases using induced pluripotent stem cells derived form patient's somatic cells

The limited experimental access to disease-affected human tissues has severely impeded the elucidating of molecular mechanisms underlying disease development. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by over-expression of defined transcription factors in somatic cells, in particular in those from patient somatic cells, presents an attractive and promising approach to model the early stages of diseases in vitro and to screen novel biomarkers as well as therapeutic medicines. Recently, many research groups have independently reported that patient-specific iPSC-derived cells recapitulated multiple features of pathological events of a particular disease, offering experimental evidence of utilizing patient-specific iPSCs to model diseases and reevaluate the current therapies. We have derived iPSC lines using somatic cells of patients suffering from Klinefelter's Syndrome (KS) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and explored the possibility to use these iPSC lines to recapitulate the pathological features of the diseases. Our results show that patient's specific iPSC lines provide good opportunity to study the development and treatment of diseases.

2014-09-25 课时:38分钟



2014-10-15 课时:8分钟

Study the pathological features of diseases using induced pluripotent stem cells derived form patient's somatic cells

The limited experimental access to disease-affected human tissues has severely impeded the elucidating of molecular mechanisms underlying disease development. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by over-expression of defined transcription factors in somatic cells, in particular in those from patient somatic cells, presents an attractive and promising approach to model the early stages of diseases in vitro and to screen novel biomarkers as well as therapeutic medicines. Recently, many research groups have independently reported that patient-specific iPSC-derived cells recapitulated multiple features of pathological events of a particular disease, offering experimental evidence of utilizing patient-specific iPSCs to model diseases and reevaluate the current therapies. We have derived iPSC lines using somatic cells of patients suffering from Klinefelter's Syndrome (KS) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and explored the possibility to use these iPSC lines to recapitulate the pathological features of the diseases. Our results show that patient's specific iPSC lines provide good opportunity to study the development and treatment of diseases.

2014-11-07 课时:38分钟

Eric Topol:未来医疗的无线化


2015-01-15 课时:17分钟

Ben Goldacre:医生开药的盲点所在

当一种新型药物被测试的时候,试验结果应该对其余医药界开放 — 但很多时候, 负面或者无效的结论未被上报,导致医生和研究人员对此一无所知。在这激情洋溢的演讲中,Ben Goldacre讲述了为什么这些未上报的负面的案例会误导大众,并有潜在的危险。

2015-01-21 课时:7分钟

Duolink® PLA® 技术——加速信号通路发现过程

Duolink® 实验基于近位连接技术(Proximity Ligation Assay, PLA),当一对PLA probes足够接近时(<40 nm)会产生PLA信号,信号的强弱直接反映了蛋白表达量水平或蛋白互作的强度。Duolink® 实验可在细胞生理状态下,定位检测蛋白-蛋白互作、蛋白表达或蛋白翻译后修饰,检测结果更精确、真实、可靠。

2018-03-22 课时:10分钟



2018-01-29 课时:13分钟

Ebola: A cultural challenge

自然记者Erika Check Hayden在塞拉利昂看到一场政府对抗埃博拉的战争。

2015-02-28 课时:6分钟

Cell and chemical biology of mitosis

2015-03-02 课时:33分钟

Cell and chemical biology of mitosis

2015-03-02 课时:41分钟