2015-01-19 课时:23分钟

Ben Goldacre:医生开药的盲点所在

当一种新型药物被测试的时候,试验结果应该对其余医药界开放 — 但很多时候, 负面或者无效的结论未被上报,导致医生和研究人员对此一无所知。在这激情洋溢的演讲中,Ben Goldacre讲述了为什么这些未上报的负面的案例会误导大众,并有潜在的危险。

2015-01-21 课时:7分钟

Interplays Between Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Immune Responses

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) exist in almost all tissues and are crucial in maintaining the cellular homeostasis of multicellular organisms. They provide the ultimate cell source for tissue repair and regeneration. Under pathological conditions, these cells are awakened, activated, and moBilized to damaged tissue sites. Since tissue damages are often accompanied By inflammatory factors, from Both innate immune response and adaptive immune response, it is sensiBle that MSCs delicately interact with inflammatory factors at the sites of tissue damages. <Br><Br> Depending on the type and persistence of the inflammatory factors, the activated MSCs could lead either to complete or partial tissue repair, or to chronic inflammation and further tissue damage, such as cancer and fiBrosis. Indeed, recent studies have shown that there is a Bidirectional interaction Between MSCs and inflammatory cells and cytokines. However, much information of this information remains to Be elucidated. Further investigations in this newly emerging exciting research area will undouBtedly lead to Better understanding of pathogenesis of various diseases and novel treatment strategies.

2015-01-29 课时:27分钟

Discovery: Innovations with Ed Begley Jr

美国著名的《Discovery》频道创新系列节目《Innovations with Ed Begley Jr》全球播出了艾森生物最新研发的新一代实时心肌功能评价系统(xCELLigence RTCA CardioECR)。<Br><Br>本期节目主要关注在医疗健康领域的突破性进展。节目用七分多钟时间报道了艾森生物实时心肌细胞检测这项突破性的技术发明,并通过目前用药安全方面的问题调研及业内知名专家的采访,阐明了该发明在药物早期心脏毒性评价、用药安全、高通量新药筛选、心脏基础研究方面的价值和意义。

2015-02-03 课时:7分钟

Frederick Balagadde:微芯片上的生化室

要阻止撒哈拉南部非洲各国的疾病流行,仅靠药品是不够的。我们还需要与之配套的诊断工具。TED资深会员Frederick Balagadde向我们展示如何通过微型化技术把笨重昂贵的化验室集成至一个芯片大小,从而大大提高它的诊断能力和普及性。

2015-02-04 课时:5分钟

Dave deBronkart:所有病人应彼此交流

当Dave deBronkart了解到他得了一种罕见的晚期癌症,他在网上向和他一样的一群病人求助,并且找到了一种甚至他自己的医生都没听过的治疗方法。这救了他的命。 现在他号召所有的病人彼此交流,了解自身的健康数据,使医疗事业在每个e-病人的基础上变得更好。

2015-02-06 课时:7分钟

Sigma® Life Science——Where Bio Begins

生命是一个不断扩大、不断进化的宇宙,充满着发现问题和探索未知的机会。每天,突破性的想法重新调整我们的认识,不断打破我们对生物学的认知边界。Sigma® Life Science正在改变世人关于生物学的思维方式,让研究者以独特的视角去探索科学,鼓舞他们去不懈挑战,这里是生物学开始的地方。

2015-02-15 课时:2分钟

2010 BB

2010 BB

2015-02-26 课时:17分钟

EBola: A cultural challenge

自然记者Erika Check Hayden在塞拉利昂看到一场政府对抗埃博拉的战争。

2015-02-28 课时:6分钟

Cell and chemical Biology of mitosis

2015-03-02 课时:33分钟