Marcel Dicke我们为什么不食用昆

Marcel Dicke马赛·狄基希望把昆添加到人们的饮食中,他讲了增进人们食欲昆的案例。他还传递给挑剔的厨师与美食家的信息是:像蝗和毛的美味,在味道,营养,甚至在生态友好上可与肉类媲美。

2015-02-13 课时:7分钟



2015-04-10 课时:4分钟






2015-04-15 课时:32分钟


生物学家莎拉·路易斯花了20年的时间深入萤火神奇的世界。在这个充满魅力的演讲中,她告诉我们这种小甲为什么要制造安静的星光,又是如何制造的,当两只萤火交配时发生了什么,为什么有一族雌萤火被称为吸血鬼萤火。想了解更多关于萤火的惊人真相,请看路易斯下面的介绍 。

2015-11-16 课时:14分钟



2015-11-20 课时:14分钟

克氏锥和Chagas病 - Norma Andrews P1


Norma Andrews (U. Maryland) Part 1: Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas’ Disease

Lecture overview:
Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania are closely related intracellular protozoan parasites that cause serious diseases throughout the world. In the first part of this lecture, I will present background material on the biology of Trypanosoma cruzi and the history of its discovery as an important agent of human disease in Latin America. I will also discuss the main characteristics of the disease, and the current efforts to stop human transmission.

In the second part of this lecture, I will present background material on Leishmania, the intracellular protozoan parasites responsible for severe human pathology in several parts of the world. I will discuss the main disease forms, the history of identification of the causative agent and form of transmission, and recent discoveries that established important concepts in our understanding of this increasingly serious infectious disease.

In the third part of this lecture, I will discuss current work from our laboratory on mechanisms used by the intracellular parasites Trypanosoma cruzi and Leishmania to interact with mammalian cells. In addition to clarifying specific molecular strategies used by these parasites to infect and survive within host cells, these studies also led, in some instances, to unexpected insights on novel pathways regulating mammalian cell function.

Speaker bio: Norma Andrews is currently a Professor and Chair of the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Maryland. She received a B.S. degree in biology (1977) and a Ph.D. degree in biochemistry (1983) from the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

In 1990, after completing postdoctoral studies in the laboratory of Victor Nussenzweig at New York University, she was appointed Assistant Professor at Yale University where she remained until 2010.

Andrews was a Burroughs Wellcome New Investigator, a Burroughs Wellcome Molecular Parasitology Scholar and recipient of a NIH MERIT Award. Her laboratory has made numerous contributions to the cell biology of host-pathogen interactions, and discoveries in this area have led to the identification and functional characterization of a novel pathway of Ca2+-regulated lysosomal exocytosis in mammalian cells.

2015-12-14 课时:20分钟

利什曼原和利什曼病 - Norma Andrews P2


Norma Andrews (U. Maryland) Part 2: Leishmania spp and Leishmaniasis

In the second part of this lecture, I will present background material on Leishmania, the intracellular protozoan parasites responsible for severe human pathology in several parts of the world. I will discuss the main disease forms, the history of identification of the causative agent and form of transmission, and recent discoveries that established important concepts in our understanding of this increasingly serious infectious disease.

Norma Andrews moved from Yale University to the University of Maryland in 2010.

2015-12-14 课时:14分钟

模式生物概述: 秀丽隐杆线

秀丽隐杆线是一种生活在土壤中的微小蠕,从19世纪70年代初开始, 它就作为功能强大的模式生物被广泛应用。它最初被用作模式生物是由于以下的原因:不变的身体结构,遗传操作简单以及培养成本低廉。从那以后,秀丽线的应 用开始迅速发展, 并被用于众多的研究方向, 包括对运动中作用力的研究和对神经回路的探悉。

本短片概述了线的基础生物学, 很多发生在它短暂但传奇的研究历史中的里程碑事件的时间表,和以线作为模式生物的一些激动人心的应用。

2015-12-24 课时:10分钟


秀丽隐杆线作为一种模式生物,曾经并且依然在研究发育,遗传,分子甚至生理现象等不同领域上发挥着重大作用。为了有效利用线的全部潜能,尤为关键的是 正确小心地对该功能强大的模式生物的基本培养。本短片中,您将学习到线培养所需的基本饲养容器和食物,如何用挑针正确操作和处理线,如何冻存和复苏线 。在视频的最后我们将了解一些调整饲养容器,食物和处理线的实际应用。

2015-12-25 课时:11分钟




2015-12-25 课时:10分钟