
被大自然本身的神奇设计所鼓舞,休·赫尔正在研制新一代的仿生臂和机器假臂。在30年前的一次登山事故中赫尔失去了双腿;现在,他是麻省理工学院医学实验室生物医学部的负责人,在这个与他个人密切相关又充满技术的演讲中他展示了他不可思意的科技成果 — 阿德里安娜 阿斯莱特-戴维斯在2013年的波士顿马拉松赛爆炸中失去了左腿,现在她登上了TED舞台进行了她的第一次舞蹈表演。

2015-04-01 课时:19分钟


Pamela Ronald (UC Davis) Part 1: Sustainable agriculture

In Part 1 of her lecture, Ronald emphasizes the importance of developing sustainable agricultural practices that will allow the world's population to be fed without destroying the Earth. Ronald demonstrates that modern genetics approaches have facilitated development of new crop varieties that can increase crop yields while reducing insecticide use. She proposes that the judicious incorporation of two important strands of agriculture—agricultural biotechnology and agroecological practices—is key to helping feed the growing population and she provides compelling examples to support her stand.

2016-03-25 课时:26分钟