控制老化的基因 - Cynthia Kenyon P1


Cynthia Kenyon (UCSF) Part 1: Genes that Control Aging

Once it was thought that aging was just a random and haphazard process. Instead, the rate of aging turns out to be subject to regulation by transcription factors that respond to hormones and other signals. In the nematode C. elegans, in which many key discoveries about aging were first made, the aging process is subject to regulation by food intake, sensory perception, and signals from the reproductive system. Changing genes and cells that affect aging can lengthen lifespan by six fold, and can also delay age-related disease, such as the growth of tumors.

2015-12-14 课时:43分钟


In the early 1990s, most scientists did not think that aging was subject to active regulation by the genes. Exciting results from Dr. Kenyon's lab, however, showed that a single mutation in the daf-2 gene caused the tiny roundworm C. elegans to live twice as long as normal. This gene encodes a hormone receptor that regulates lifespan not only in worms, but in flies, mammals and possibly humans as well.

2016-02-02 课时:11分钟


Eric Wieschaus and Christiane Nusslein-Volhard wanted to understand which genes regulated embryonic development in Drosophila. It took them 2 years to design their experiment and only a few months to execute. A combination of good design and good luck allowed them to start with 40,000 flies and identify just 139 genes necessary for embryonic development.

2016-02-14 课时:11分钟



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