
Handelsman describes guidelines that she and her colleagues have developed to help scientists become better mentors. These include listening, asking questions, stating expectations and building independence. Good advice for scientists at all stages of their careers.

2016-02-15 课时:8分钟


Louis Reichardt has experienced both success and tragedy in his efforts to climb the world's highest summits. Here he recalls his spectacular ascents of the two highest mountains in the world. In 1978, he reached the summit of K2 making him the first American ever to do so. Five years later, he joined a team that reached the peak of Mount Everest via the challenging east face, a feat that has never been repeated. Reichardt discusses the impact of mountaineering on his scientific career and the love of adventure and discovery that is shared by scientists and climbers.

2016-02-23 课时:17分钟


The early influences of her mother and uncle set Lydia Villa-Komaroff on the path to becoming a scientist. Along the way, numerous other mentors influenced her decision to obtain her PhD in biology and also taught her important life lessons.

2016-02-23 课时:15分钟


本期节目主要内容: 他是中国科学院院士、高能物理研究所所长王贻芳。他的中微子震荡实验被《科学》杂志评­为世界年度十大科学突破,并在2016年获得了科学界第一巨奖—— “基础物理学突破奖”。这位科学家,在生活中被大家问到最多的两个问题就是——“你是­做什么的?”和“你做的这个有什么用?”。

2016-04-15 课时:45分钟