srNA Induces the Large-scale Transdetermination of Mesenchymal Stem Cells into Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Human.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can differentiate into cells of bone, endothelium, adipose tissue, cartilage, muscle, and brain. However, whether they can transdeterminate into hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) remains unsolved. We report here that a subpopulation of human MSCs that are CD44+,CD29+, CD105+, CD166+,CD133-,CD34- could differentiate into hematopoietic stem cells (CD150+/CD133+/CD34+) and their descending blood cells in vitro, when transfected with new endogenous shRNAs The srNA was high-effectively delivered into MSCs by a novel peptide means. These induced MSC-HSCs could form different types of hematopoietic colonies as nature-occurring HSCs did. Upon transplantation into sublethally irradiated NOD/SCID mice, these MSC-HSCs engrafted and differentiated into all hematopoietic lineages such as erythrocytes, lymphocytes, myelocytes and thrombocyte. More importantly, these induced HSCs could successfully engraft and effectively function in patients with severe aplastic anemia. Furthermore, we demonstrated the first evidence that the transdetermination of MSCs was induced by acetylation of histone proteins and activation of many transcriptional factors. Together, our findings identify the srNAs that dictates a directed differentiation of MSCs toward HSCs and open up a new source for HSCs used for the treatment of blood diseases and artificial stem cell-made blood.

2014-09-26 课时:36分钟

Jsr Life Sciences诊断试剂原料


2014-12-07 课时:5分钟

Jsr Life Sciences业务介绍

捷时雅(上海)商贸有限公司是Jsr 集团在中国的全资子公司,其生物技术部全面负责Jsr Life Sciences公司及其控股子公司的生物工艺器材、诊断试剂原料和医用高分子材料等产品在中国的市场推广、销售和技术支持工作。生物工艺器材类产品包括:亲和层析填料(protein A 亲和填料)、离子交换层析膜(NatriFlo HD-Q)、三维细胞培养耗材及试剂(SCIVAX)等,主要用于新药候选物筛选、药物毒性评估、生物医药工业的下游分离和纯化及大规模制备生产等领域;

2014-12-10 课时:4分钟

Jsr Life Sciences生物工艺器材

Jsr Life Sciences给中国的抗体药物研发及生产单位,提供一套独有的下游工艺解决方案。

Amspere JWT203 Protein A 填料用于抗体药物的捕获,NatriFlo HD-Q 离子交换膜用于抗体药物精细 纯化步骤,有效降低用户的生产成本,缩短工艺时间,提高工艺的稳定性。ChromaCon 的连续层析系统为抗体药物的质控分析提供高精度高分辨率的工具,有效分离和分析抗体酸碱变体。

2014-12-23 课时:5分钟


新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,武汉大学充分发挥自己突出的临床优势、突出的病毒学科优势等,为打赢疫情防控阻击战贡献智慧和力量。武汉大学病毒学系和医学病毒学研究所历史悠久、综合实力强,与中科院武汉病毒所联合建立病毒学国家重点实验室,为全国乃至全世界病毒学和疾病防控事业培养大量专业人才。同时,组织科研攻关,为打赢疫情防控阻击战提供强大科技支撑。 为了更广泛地分享武汉大学专家和校友在新冠病毒研究和疫情战斗中成果和经验,以科学的态度传播科学知识,帮助理解新冠肺炎治疗策略,并以此推动全球有关新冠病毒和疾病的研究,为最终战胜此次疫情和对未来新型新发传染病的防治作出贡献。武汉大学特邀请国内外相关领域杰出校友和专家举办“武汉大学新冠病毒和疾病系列学术讲座”。

2020-08-07 课时:150分钟