Regenerative medicine for brain and nerve repair

We isolated and propagated neural stem cells from the exposed brain tissue of the patients with open brain trauma, and then implanted neural stem cells with MRI-guided stereotactic device for the patients. Within 2-years follow-ups, the patients were investigated for functional recovery. Contrast to the case control group, implantation of neural stem cells was associated with a significant improvement in patient's neurological function. Investigations of stem cell therapy have required analysis of the fate and migration of implanted neural stem cells. Here, We demonstrate the feasibility of labeling human neural stem cells and retinal stem cells with nanoparticle and tracking of implanted cells in monkey and human central nervous system (CNS). This data demonstrates the possibility of stem cell therapy in CNS and collectively provide necessary foundation for overcoming challenges to the enhancement of translational regenerative medicine of brain and optic nerve injury.

2014-09-23 课时:48分钟

Study the pathological features of diseases using induced pluripotent stem cells derived form patient's somatic cells

The limited experimental access to disease-affected human tissues has severely impeded the elucidating of molecular mechanisms underlying disease development. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by over-expression of defined transcription factors in somatic cells, in particular in those from patient somatic cells, presents an attractive and promising approach to model the early stages of diseases in vitro and to screen novel biomarkers as well as therapeutic medicines. Recently, many research groups have independently reported that patient-specific iPSC-derived cells recapitulated multiple features of pathological events of a particular disease, offering experimental evidence of utilizing patient-specific iPSCs to model diseases and reevaluate the current therapies. We have derived iPSC lines using somatic cells of patients suffering from Klinefelter's Syndrome (KS) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and explored the possibility to use these iPSC lines to recapitulate the pathological features of the diseases. Our results show that patient's specific iPSC lines provide good opportunity to study the development and treatment of diseases.

2014-09-25 课时:38分钟

Study the pathological features of diseases using induced pluripotent stem cells derived form patient's somatic cells

The limited experimental access to disease-affected human tissues has severely impeded the elucidating of molecular mechanisms underlying disease development. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) by over-expression of defined transcription factors in somatic cells, in particular in those from patient somatic cells, presents an attractive and promising approach to model the early stages of diseases in vitro and to screen novel biomarkers as well as therapeutic medicines. Recently, many research groups have independently reported that patient-specific iPSC-derived cells recapitulated multiple features of pathological events of a particular disease, offering experimental evidence of utilizing patient-specific iPSCs to model diseases and reevaluate the current therapies. We have derived iPSC lines using somatic cells of patients suffering from Klinefelter's Syndrome (KS) and Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and explored the possibility to use these iPSC lines to recapitulate the pathological features of the diseases. Our results show that patient's specific iPSC lines provide good opportunity to study the development and treatment of diseases.

2014-11-07 课时:38分钟

Regenerative medicine for brain and nerve repair

We isolated and propagated neural stem cells from the exposed brain tissue of the patients with open brain trauma, and then implanted neural stem cells with MRI-guided stereotactic device for the patients. Within 2-years follow-ups, the patients were investigated for functional recovery. Contrast to the case control group, implantation of neural stem cells was associated with a significant improvement in patient's neurological function. Investigations of stem cell therapy have required analysis of the fate and migration of implanted neural stem cells. Here, We demonstrate the feasibility of labeling human neural stem cells and retinal stem cells with nanoparticle and tracking of implanted cells in monkey and human central nervous system (CNS). This data demonstrates the possibility of stem cell therapy in CNS and collectively provide necessary foundation for overcoming challenges to the enhancement of translational regenerative medicine of brain and optic nerve injury.

2014-11-11 课时:48分钟




2014-12-02 课时:33分钟


SynVivo是一款模拟体内血管环境的微流体芯片,可以模拟仓鼠、大鼠和小鼠的不同血管。提供形态和生物学仿真微环境,可以对药物等微粒与细胞的相互作用进行实时观察研究,其中一些特殊芯片可以培养特定组织类型的细胞,如神经元、肝细胞或肿瘤细胞等。 SynVivo在体外条件下,利用微循环网络模拟在体条件下细胞/微粒粘附、细胞-细胞或细胞-微粒相互作用。研究流体和形态对药物研发和细胞研究的影响.。得到剪切力-粘附效应图,分叉与分支粘附效应等。研究人员只需用适当的底物覆盖微芯片的通道(如纤连蛋白),然后在其中培养细胞,就可以建立人工的体内环境。这一系统可通过流动的液体来模拟天然的血液。

2015-01-30 课时:4分钟


Seth Berkley 向我们展示疫苗设计、生产、销售进展过程的智慧演变是如何让我们前所未有地接近消灭一系列全球威胁——流感、疟疾、艾滋病。

2015-02-02 课时:7分钟



2015-02-09 课时:5分钟


在2008年,众所周知的“the Berlin patient”-Timothy Ray Brown成为Hiv复原的第一人。六年多的时间过去了,他的体内依然没有检测出Hiv病毒。正当记者Loma Stewart想知道这个瞩目的成就背后的隐藏事件时,诺奖得主Françoise Barré-Sinoussi检测出了Hiv……

2015-02-28 课时:17分钟

The epigenetic perspectives of cancer biology


2015-03-05 课时:40分钟