Fluidigm BioMark-陈巍学基因(22)



2015-08-27 课时:8分钟

秦正红:DRAM1 regulates autophagy flux and Bid-mediated cell death via lysosomes


Damage-regulated autophagy modulator1 (DRAM1), a novel TP53 target gene, is an evolutionarily conserved lysosomal protein and plays an essential role in TP53-dependent autophagy activation and apoptosis (Crighton et al, 2006). However, the mechanisms by which DRAM1 promotes autophagy and apoptosis are not clear. 3-Nitropropionic acid (3-NP) is an inhibitor of mitochondrial respiratory complex II. Intrastriatal administration of 3-NP produces neuropathology resemble to Huntington disease. 3-NP-induced neuronal death was involved in autophagy and apoptosis. In vitro studies with 3-NP in TP53 wt and null cells, 3-NP or CCCP increased the protein levels of DRAM1 in a TP53-dependent or independent manner. DRAM1 induction contributed to 3-NP-induced autophagy activation. Knock-down of DRAM1 with siRNA inhibited the activity of V-ATPase, acidification of lysosomes and activation of lysosomal proteases. Knock-down of DRAM1 reduced the clearance of autophagososmes.

3-NP also induced a transcription independent upregulation of BAX protein levels. Knock-down of DRAM1 suppressed the increase in BAX levels. Co-immunoprecipitation and pull-down studies revealed an interaction of DRAM1 and BAX protein. Stably expression of exogenous DRAM1 increased the half-life of BAX. Upregulation of DRAM1 recruited BAX to lysosomes and induced cathepsin B-dependent cleavage of Bid and cytochrome c release. Knockdown of DRAM1, BAX or inhibition of lysosomal enzymes reduced 3-NP-induced cytochrome c release and cell death.

These data suggest that DRAM1 plays important roles in regulating autophagy flux and apoptosis. DRAM1 promotes autophagy flux through a mechanism involves activation of V-ATPase and enhances the acidification of lysosomes. DRAM1 promotes apoptosis via a mechanism involving recruitment of BAX to lysosomes to trigger cathepsin B-mediated Bid cleavage.

2015-09-30 课时:39分钟

GE:Dharmacon Edit-R基因编辑平台——即开即用,任性编辑!

CRISPR-Cas9基因编辑系统正以前所未有的速度席卷科研界。自从GE Dharmacon推出Edit-R CRISPR-Cas9系统以来,其"无需克隆,任性编辑"的特点广受好评。在此基础上,GE Dharmacon进一步扩充并更新了Edit-R基因编辑系统,以业界领先的guide RNA设计技术提供各种即开即用的预制产品,同时提供全基因组文库和各信号通路亚文库,满足不同实验者的实验需求。

2016-04-05 课时:49分钟

Stability of Morphogen Gradients & Movement of Molecules

In my second lecture I describe experiments using EGFP tagged Bicoid to follow Bcd gradient establishment in living embryos, and to test various aspects of the simple model. Despite continuous synthesis of new Bcd protein at the anterior end of the egg, we find that the concentration of Bcd in nuclei at any given point along the anterior posterior axis is constant over time and is reproducible from embryo to the next. This reproducibility means that the gradient is sufficiently robust to provide positional information and thus can accurately direct gene activities. One the other hand, quantitative imaging experiments point to several features of the gradient that are hard to explain - how target genes activated by Bcd distinguish relatively subtle differences in low concentrations, and how Bcd molecules move from the anterior site of their synthesis to the site of their transcriptional activity. See more at http://www.ibioseminars.org

2016-04-21 课时:38分钟



2016-05-24 课时:112分钟

Together we can help Revolutionizing Medicine

Together we can help Revolutionizing Medicine

2016-06-02 课时:3分钟

People coming together makeing a difference

People coming together makeing a difference

2016-06-02 课时:3分钟

Metalloproteins and Medicine


2016-07-21 课时:33分钟

Inermediate Filaments中间丝

中间丝的基本构建块是二聚体,它在细胞质和细胞核中形成复杂的网络,它是灵活的,可扩展的,很难打破的,在活细胞中有动态的性质,它的拆卸和组装是受激酶和磷酸酶参与信号转导。西北大学费因伯格医学和海洋生物学院的鲍勃戈德曼从中间丝的命名到中间丝蛋白家族,为我们讲解细胞骨架中间丝的作用及细胞骨架的相互对话与稳定性、细胞的机械完整性、细胞形状的测定与维护; 波形蛋白迅速诱导上皮细胞改变形状,增加上皮细胞的活力......

2016-07-25 课时:37分钟

Chaperone-assisted protein folding

伴侣如何认识数以百计的不同的非蛋白质?什么是共享共同的特点在非本土的国家?耶鲁大学医学院Art Horwich既追溯历史又从热休克蛋白60和热休克蛋白70家族、其他监护人家庭的调查、应力检测系统、 蛋白质错误折叠和疾病的评论几个方面与您一一分享。

2016-07-26 课时:39分钟