
p16主要以CpG岛甲基化的方式在多种肿瘤及其癌前病变组织中频繁失活。我们发现与肿瘤细胞中的p16甲基化非常稳定不同,胃炎组织中的p16甲基化不稳定,会随着Hp的清除而消失(Int J Cancer 2009);胃癌组织的p16 CpG位点已经扩展到启动子区,而胃炎组织的甲基化CpG位点局限在第一外显子区(PLoS ONE 2012);肿瘤细胞的p16完全甲基化能够以稳态的方式稳定传递给子细胞,而第一外显子局部甲基化不稳定,可通过胞嘧啶羟甲基化途径发生去甲基化,不能传递给子细胞(PLoS ONE 2014)。

巢式病例对照和前瞻队列研究发现,p16甲基化阳性的胃和口腔粘膜上皮异型增生容易癌变(Clin Cancer Res 2004和2009;欧洲发明专利#EP1602731),得到国际同行验证。

创建符合诊断用途的p16甲基化MethyLight测定新方法(BMC Med Genet 2012;国际发明专利WO2012094776),正在开发诊断试剂,开展多中心前瞻队列验证研究(NCT01695018)。

2015-04-30 课时:10分钟

Controlling the Cell Cycle: CDK Substrates - David O. Morgan


David O. Morgan (UCSF) Part 2: Controlling the Cell Cycle: CDK Substrates

Cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) are the central components of the control system that initiates the events of the cell cycle. In the second part of this lecture, I discuss my laboratory's efforts to address the problem of how the CDKs trigger cell-cycle events. I describe our methods for identifying the protein substrates of the CDKs, and I discuss how these studies have led to important clues about how CDKs find their correct targets in the cell and how phosphorylation of those targets governs their function.

2016-01-08 课时:31分钟