Simultaneous quANTification of 47 gene expression in FFPE samples by a novel PCR-free approach

基因表达(gene expression)是指细胞在生命过程中,把储存在DNA顺序中遗传信息经过转录和翻译,转变成具有生物活性的蛋白质分子。生物体内的各种功能蛋白质和酶都是同相应的结构基因编码的。差别基因表达(differential gene expression)指细胞分化过程中,奢侈基因按一定顺序表达,表达的基因数约占基因总数的5%~10%。

2015-03-05 课时:17分钟

PKI MANTra Intro 2015

The MANTra™ quANTitative pathology workstation lets you visualize, quANTify, and phenotype multiple types of immune cells simultaneously in intact FFPE tissue sections for cancer immunology research. MANTra allows you to maintain tissue morphology to help better understand the types and roles of cells within the tumor and tumor microenvironment. The system comes with powerful inForm® Tissue Finder™ advanced image analysis software that features user-trainable algorithms for automatic recognition of specific tissue and cell types, as well as per-cell analysis of biomarker expression and phenotyping to differentiate among cell types. Pathology Views™ creates familiar-looking brightfield (H&E, DAB, hematoxylin) renderings from original multi-label fluorescence images. PerkinElmer’s cancer immunology workflow has been validated using Opal™ reagent kits. Opal methodology enables specific staining of multiple tissue biomarkers reaching up to 6-plex and beyond in a single tissue section. Learn more: http://www.perkinelmer.com/catalog/pr...

2016-06-02 课时:7分钟

Assembly-Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide ANTibiotics:Part 1

Chaitan Khosla从进化生物学、化学、结构研究装配线polyketid抗生素生物合成,介绍装配线的机制,分析一个模块的SAXS和连续两模块SAXS。

2016-07-28 课时:36分钟

Assembly-Line Biosynthesis of Polyketide ANTibiotics:Part2

从装配线酶的工具和特异性研究体内的重构,纯化的蛋白质的装配线重建。讲解核心反应分析、 定向性、下游延伸单位的特异性酶、装配线的扩展单元的特异性、反式互补的高活性酶。

2016-07-28 课时:29分钟