来源:本站原创 2020-12-31 11:24
北京时间10月5日下午17:30,2020年诺贝尔生理学或医学奖揭晓,来自美国国立卫生研究院的Harvey J. Alter、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学的Michael Houghton和美国洛克菲勒大学的Charles M. Rice因揭示了丙肝病毒及其与诱发肝炎之间关系而获奖。
血源性肝炎是一种全球人群所面临的健康问题,其会导致很多人患上肝硬化乃至肝癌。来自来自美国国立卫生研究院的科学家Harvey J. Alter、阿尔伯塔大学的科学家Michael Houghton和洛克菲勒大学的科学家Charles M. Rice最早发现了丙型肝炎病毒(后简称 “丙肝病毒” )。在此前研究中,甲肝病毒和乙肝病毒的相继发现不断推动血源性肝炎领域的研究,但目前大多数血源性感染仍然无法被解释,而丙肝病毒的发现揭示了其它慢性肝炎病毒发生的原因,同时也使得血液检测技术和新型药物的开发成为可能,未来或有望帮助挽救数百万人的生命。
Harvey J. Alter博士
Harvey J. Alter博士
Harvey J. Alter博士于1935年出生于纽约。他在罗切斯特大学医学院获得医学学位,并在斯特朗纪念医院和西雅图大学医院接受内科医学培训。1961年,他作为临床助理来到美国国立卫生研究院。然后,他在乔治敦大学(Georgetown University)工作了几年,于1969年回到NIH,成为临床中心输血医学系的高级研究员,成为NIH临床中心传染病科主任和输血医学系研究副主任1。
1964年,作为一名年轻的研究者,Alter博士与Baruch Blumberg博士共同发现了 “澳大利亚抗原” ,这是检测乙型肝炎病毒的关键2。后来,他率先在临床中心开展了一个项目,该项目创建了一个血液样本库,用于发现病因并降低与输血相关的肝炎的风险。基于Alter博士的研究,美国率先成立了供体血液筛查项目,该项目成功地将肝炎的发生风险从此前的30%降低到了接近零风险3。
70年代中期,Alter博士等人首先发现,大多数因输血发生的感染性肝炎并非甲型肝炎或乙型肝炎。之后,Alter博士与Bob Purcell等人合作,通过黑猩猩的传播研究证明了一种新型的肝炎类型的存在,这种新形式的肝炎最初被命名为 “非A,非B肝炎” 。这项工作最终导致了丙型肝炎病毒的发现4。 1988年,Alter小组通过对标本进行验证,确认了这种新的肝炎病毒的存在5。1989年4月,《科学》杂志的两篇文章揭示了这一新型病毒,并将其改名为丙型肝炎病毒6-7。
Michael Houghton博士
Michael Houghton博士
Michael Houghton博士出生于英国。他于1977年获得伦敦国王学院的博士学位。他于1982年加入GD Searle&Company,之后于1982年加入加利福尼亚州埃默里维尔的Chiron公司。他于2010年入职阿尔伯塔大学,目前是加拿大病毒学卓越研究主席和病毒学教授。他还是李嘉诚应用病毒学研究所所长。
在Chiron工作期间,Houghton博士与同事Qui-Lim Choo和George Kuo,以及疾病控制和预防中心的Daniel W. Bradley一起,使用从包含非A,非B肝炎患者的血浆中制备的互补DNA库,成功得到并坚定出HCV RNA基因组的DNA片段,标志着首次发现了HCV存在的证据9。然而,这项研究由于未能证明HCV的致病性而受到挑战。Houghton及其同事随后开发了一种检测血液样本中HCV的检测方法。
Charles M. Rice博士
Charles M. Rice博士
Charles M. Rice博士于1952年出生在萨克拉曼多。他于1981年在加州理工学院获得博士学位,并于1981年至1985年期间接受了博士后培训。他于1986年在圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院成立了研究小组,并于1995年成为正式教授。自2001年以来,他一直担任纽约洛克菲勒大学的教授。此外,在2001年至2018年期间,他担任洛克菲勒大学丙型肝炎研究中心的科学与执行主任16。
1. Harvey J. Alter. Wikipiedia
2. "The NIH Almanac". Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. June 4, 2009. Retrieved October 20, 2009.
3. "2005 NIH profile". Archived from the original on March 29, 2006. Retrieved April 21, 2006.
4. Tabor, E.; et al. (1978). "Transmission of non A, non B hepatitis from man to chimpanzees". The Lancet. 311 (8062): 463–466. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(78)90132-0. PMID 76018. S2CID 27675695.
5. Alter.pdf Archived September 27, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
6. Kuo, G.; Choo, Q. L.; Alter, H. J.; Gitnick, G. L. (1989). "An assay for circulating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of human non-A, non-B hepatitis". Science. 244 (1989 Apr 21, 244(4902):362-4): 362–4. Bibcode:1989Sci...244..362K. doi:10.1126/science.2496467. PMID 2496467.
7. Choo, Q. L.; Kuo, G; Weiner, A. J.; Overby, L. R. (1989). "Isolation of a cDNA clone derived from a blood-borne non-A, non-B viral hepatitis genome". Science. 244 (1989 Apr 21, 244(4902):359-62): 359–62. Bibcode:1989Sci...244..359C. doi:10.1126/science.2523562. PMID 2523562.
8. Harvey J. Alter. Wikipiedia
9. Houghton, M (2009). "The long and winding road leading to the identification of the hepatitis C virus". J. Hepatol. 51 (5): 939–948. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2009.08.004. PMID 19781804.
10. Esteban, JI; Viladomiu, L; Bonzalez, A; Roget, M; Genesca, J; Guardia, J; Esteban, R; Lopez-Talavera, JC; Hernandez, JM; Vargas, V; Buti, M; Kuo, G; Choo, Q-L; Houghton, M (1989). "Hepatitis C virus antibodies among risk groups in Spain". Lancet. 334 (8658): 294–297. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(89)90485-6. PMID 2569102. S2CID 23825621.
11. Van Der Poel, CL; Ressink, HW; Lelie, PN; Leentvaar-Kuypers, A; Choo, Q-L; Kuo, G; Houghton, M (1989). "Anti-hepatitis C antibodies and non-A, non-B post-transfusion hepatitis in the Netherlands". Lancet. 334 (8658): 297–298. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(89)90486-8. PMID 2569103. S2CID 25211687.
12. Alter, HJ; Purcell, RH; Shih, JW; Melpolder, JC; Houghton, M; Choo, Q-L; Kuo, G (1989). "Detection of antibody to hepatitis C virus in prospectively followed transfusion recipients with acute and chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis". N. Engl. J. Med. 321 (22): 1494–1500. doi:10.1056/nejm198911303212202. PMID 2509915.
13. Hasan, F; Jeffers, L; de Medina, M; Reddy, R; Parker, T; Schiff, E; Houghton, M; Choo, Q-L; Kuo, G (1989). "Hepatitis C HCV associated hepatocellular carcinoma". Hepatology. 10 (4): 589–91. doi:10.1002/hep.1840100432. PMID 2169456.
14. Law, JL; Chen, C; Wong, J; Hockman, D; Santer, DM; Frey, SE; Belshe, RB; Wakita, T; Bukh, J; Jones, CT; Rice, CM; Abrignani, S; Tyrrell, DL; Houghton, M. (19 March 2013). "A hepatitis C virus (HCV) vaccine comprising envelope glycoproteins gpE1/gpE2 derived from a single isolate elicits broad cross-genotype neutralizing antibodies in humans". PLOS ONE. 8 (3): e59776. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...859776L. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059776. PMC 3602185. PMID 23527266.
15. "University of Alberta virologist awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine". EurekAlert!. Retrieved 6 October 2020.
16. Charles M. Rice. Wikipiedia.
17. Charles M. Rice. Rockerfeller University.
18. Dorner, M., Horwitz, J., Donovan, B. et al. Completion of the entire hepatitis C virus life cycle in genetically humanized mice. Nature 501, 237–241 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12427
19. Marcus Dorner, Joshua A. Horwitz, Justin B. Robbins, Walter T. Barry, Qian Feng, Kathy Mu, Christopher T. Jones, John W. Schoggins, Maria Teresa Catanese, Dennis R. Burton, Mansun Law, Charles M. Rice, Alexander Ploss. A genetically humanized mouse model for hepatitis C virus infection. Nature, 2011; 474 (7350): 208 DOI: 10.1038/nature10168
20. Eva Billerbeck et al. Mouse models of acute and chronic hepacivirus infection. Science. 2017 Jul 14; 357(6347): 204–208.doi: 10.1126/science.aal1962
乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)也会引起肝硬化和肝癌,赖斯研究小组现在正在将人源化小鼠以及新的体外培养方法用于研究HBV感染与疾病发生之间的关系。这项工作揭示了针对cccDNA和其他关键HBV生命周期步骤的新策略。此外,Rice小组仍在继续开发新技术,例如3D和诱导多能干细胞来源的培养物,以研究HCV,HBV和其他病毒的感染机制。他们还使用人类肝脏小鼠研究饮食和人类遗传学在非传染性肝病病因发展中的作用20。(生物谷 Bioon.com)
1. Harvey J. Alter. Wikipiedia
2. "The NIH Almanac". Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health. June 4, 2009. Retrieved October 20, 2009.
3. "2005 NIH profile". Archived from the original on March 29, 2006. Retrieved April 21, 2006.
4. Tabor, E.; et al. (1978). "Transmission of non A, non B hepatitis from man to chimpanzees". The Lancet. 311 (8062): 463–466. doi:10.1016/S0140-6736(78)90132-0. PMID 76018. S2CID 27675695.
5. Alter.pdf Archived September 27, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
6. Kuo, G.; Choo, Q. L.; Alter, H. J.; Gitnick, G. L. (1989). "An assay for circulating antibodies to a major etiologic virus of human non-A, non-B hepatitis". Science. 244 (1989 Apr 21, 244(4902):362-4): 362–4. Bibcode:1989Sci...244..362K. doi:10.1126/science.2496467. PMID 2496467.
7. Choo, Q. L.; Kuo, G; Weiner, A. J.; Overby, L. R. (1989). "Isolation of a cDNA clone derived from a blood-borne non-A, non-B viral hepatitis genome". Science. 244 (1989 Apr 21, 244(4902):359-62): 359–62. Bibcode:1989Sci...244..359C. doi:10.1126/science.2523562. PMID 2523562.
8. Harvey J. Alter. Wikipiedia
9. Houghton, M (2009). "The long and winding road leading to the identification of the hepatitis C virus". J. Hepatol. 51 (5): 939–948. doi:10.1016/j.jhep.2009.08.004. PMID 19781804.
10. Esteban, JI; Viladomiu, L; Bonzalez, A; Roget, M; Genesca, J; Guardia, J; Esteban, R; Lopez-Talavera, JC; Hernandez, JM; Vargas, V; Buti, M; Kuo, G; Choo, Q-L; Houghton, M (1989). "Hepatitis C virus antibodies among risk groups in Spain". Lancet. 334 (8658): 294–297. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(89)90485-6. PMID 2569102. S2CID 23825621.
11. Van Der Poel, CL; Ressink, HW; Lelie, PN; Leentvaar-Kuypers, A; Choo, Q-L; Kuo, G; Houghton, M (1989). "Anti-hepatitis C antibodies and non-A, non-B post-transfusion hepatitis in the Netherlands". Lancet. 334 (8658): 297–298. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(89)90486-8. PMID 2569103. S2CID 25211687.
12. Alter, HJ; Purcell, RH; Shih, JW; Melpolder, JC; Houghton, M; Choo, Q-L; Kuo, G (1989). "Detection of antibody to hepatitis C virus in prospectively followed transfusion recipients with acute and chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis". N. Engl. J. Med. 321 (22): 1494–1500. doi:10.1056/nejm198911303212202. PMID 2509915.
13. Hasan, F; Jeffers, L; de Medina, M; Reddy, R; Parker, T; Schiff, E; Houghton, M; Choo, Q-L; Kuo, G (1989). "Hepatitis C HCV associated hepatocellular carcinoma". Hepatology. 10 (4): 589–91. doi:10.1002/hep.1840100432. PMID 2169456.
14. Law, JL; Chen, C; Wong, J; Hockman, D; Santer, DM; Frey, SE; Belshe, RB; Wakita, T; Bukh, J; Jones, CT; Rice, CM; Abrignani, S; Tyrrell, DL; Houghton, M. (19 March 2013). "A hepatitis C virus (HCV) vaccine comprising envelope glycoproteins gpE1/gpE2 derived from a single isolate elicits broad cross-genotype neutralizing antibodies in humans". PLOS ONE. 8 (3): e59776. Bibcode:2013PLoSO...859776L. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0059776. PMC 3602185. PMID 23527266.
15. "University of Alberta virologist awarded Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine". EurekAlert!. Retrieved 6 October 2020.
16. Charles M. Rice. Wikipiedia.
17. Charles M. Rice. Rockerfeller University.
18. Dorner, M., Horwitz, J., Donovan, B. et al. Completion of the entire hepatitis C virus life cycle in genetically humanized mice. Nature 501, 237–241 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12427
19. Marcus Dorner, Joshua A. Horwitz, Justin B. Robbins, Walter T. Barry, Qian Feng, Kathy Mu, Christopher T. Jones, John W. Schoggins, Maria Teresa Catanese, Dennis R. Burton, Mansun Law, Charles M. Rice, Alexander Ploss. A genetically humanized mouse model for hepatitis C virus infection. Nature, 2011; 474 (7350): 208 DOI: 10.1038/nature10168
20. Eva Billerbeck et al. Mouse models of acute and chronic hepacivirus infection. Science. 2017 Jul 14; 357(6347): 204–208.doi: 10.1126/science.aal1962
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